Pedal Press

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Printer Friendly version of the December PedalPress

Recovery Party Date and Location Set

It's party time!!!!

KBC's annual Recovery Party will be held on Saturday, January 27th, 2007, at the home of Megan, Fred and Rebecca James 5220 Ridgebrook Drive in Portage from 7-10 P.M. Ridgebrook Drive is located south of Kilgore Road, between South Westnedge and Lovers Lane, west off of Woodmont Drive. 

Social Directors Jelania Haile and Renee Mitchell will make chili (both meat based and vegetarian) and have beer, wine and soft drinks on hand. They are also petitioning Cricket Howard to whip up another batch of his highly popular Recovery Red beer. 

We ask that you bring a dish to pass. To avoid 'too much' of a good thing, we suggest that if your name begins

Local bike shops are contributing schwag to give away at a raffle, and there will be a slide show of KBC events. Volunteers to help set up or clean up would be appreciated, and can call Jelania (345-1274) or Renee, (329-7061). Every member of KBC and spouses/friends are welcome to attend. This is a great opportunity to reconnect with your cycling buddies and share great food and company.

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President's Letter

The days are getting shorter. The weather is unseasonably warm. I hope that Thanksgiving brought everyone the opportunity to be with friends and family.

The change of seasons has brought an end to the scheduled KBC ride schedule. However KBC continues to be active. The following off season activities are either “GO’s” or are in the planning stage:

There is also a proposal from a Kalamazoo Bicycle Club member to create a project which would be to encourage the community to bicycle or to walk. There has been an effort by the legislature to encourage the community to engage in exercise and there is a carrot for folks to exercise in the form of lower health insurance rates. This project is still in the planning stages and details as to the commitment of the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club’s resources is still unclear. The broad outlines of this project suggest that there would need to be a major commitment from the KBC to make this work (and it is still unclear what leverage of the KBC’s resources or partnerships would be available). I would like to hear feedback from the club as to what kind of commitment folks might be willing to make if KBC were to proceed with this ambitious proposal.

I would also like to have an idea on what members would be willing to do with the following projects:

As you can see there is considerable activity going on within the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club. Enjoy the holidays. Grab the opportunity to ride when it presents itself. Please consider working on one of these projects. See you at the recovery party.

Mike Boersma, KBC President

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Meeting Minutes


KBC’s regular monthly meeting was held Tuesday, November 14th, 2006 at 7:00 pm at the Kalamazoo YMCA located on Maple Street.
KBC President Mike Boersma led the monthly meeting.
Present were Zolton Cohen, Chris Haddock, Jelania Haile, David Jones, Doug Kirk, Mike Krischer, Tom Keizer, Jim Kindle, Doug Kirk, Renee Mitchell, Elaine Nagel, Bob Paksi, Victor Van Fleet.

Treasurer’s Report: by KBC Treasurer Tom Keizer:

Elections All officers were running unopposed and unanimously voted in for another year of service.

FlowerFest has a new name: Mike Krischer unveiled the new name for our annual KBC ride, formerly known as FlowerFest. The Kalamazoo Scenic Cycle Tour, or “Kal Tour,” committee will begin planning for the 2007 ride. The committee is looking for logo suggestions, and of course volunteers!

Spoke Tales Mixer: Elaine Nagel reported that the mixer was an enjoyable and successful social event, with approximately 12 attendees! She said the Chophouse and its owner were very accommodating, and the space suited the people who came and shared stories of touring and other bike riding.

Team KBC: Mike Boersma reported that Greg Lawford (team KBC captain) and WMU have expressed interest in running an April point race at the BTR.

Advertising Committee: Members present moved to adopt the recommendations presented by Zolton Cohen and the advertising committee (details in a separate story in this issue of the PedalPress).

First Aid Training for KBC members: Doug Kirk has found a person interested in doing first aid training for interested members. He also contacted Kalamazoo Deputy Sheriff Officer Mike Jones, who is willing to do accident scene management training. Doug will present more information next month on dates and registration information.

Bike Maintenance: Zolton Cohen will check with Paul Wells of Breakaway Bicycles about whether Breakaway intends to hold bike maintenance classes this winter.

501 C3: Jim Kindle will contact Mark Irwin and Paul Bruneau to meet and work on recommendations concerning the club’s suitability for seeking this tax status.

Display Board: Elaine Nagel presented a picture of a folding display board she feels would meet the club’s needs for presenting information and photos of the club’s activities at various events. The board lists for $259, utilizes Velcro attachment, and comes with a carrying case.

New Business: Healthy Living Contest Proposal presented by Victor Van Fleet: Van Fleet requested KBC’s endorsement to pursue a countywide competition to promote healthy living. His idea stems from the legislation passed in which businesses will begin offering incentives to their employees to promote healthy living habits. Van Fleet would like to get area businesses, as well as KBC, involved in providing prizes for incentives. KBC would also assume responsibility for operation costs and organization of the competition. Van Fleet envisions a competition between walkers and bikers May 1st through October 31st. Eight of the eleven members present voted to support Van Fleet’s quest to gather more information. He will be researching this proposal and presenting more information about it at the December meeting.

The annual “Recovery Party” will be held again at the home of Megan, Rebecca and Fred James on Saturday, January 27th @ 7:00 PM.

Zolton Cohen was contacted by the Tri City Bike Club (the club that sponsors the DALMAC Bike Tour) about the possibility of a KBC representative presenting and sharing KBC’s Bike Camp format. Bike Camp has been a positive influence for many and the word is spreading! More information to follow!

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for 7:00 PM, Tuesday, December 11th, 2006 at the Kalamazoo YMCA on Maple Street.

Respectfully submitted, Chris Haddock, KBC Secretary

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Kathy Kirk Retires from KBC Duties

KBC bids a fond farewell to longtime member Kathy Kirk as she “retires” from her position as the club’s Webmaster.

Kirk has held positions as Newsletter Editor, Newsletter Distributor, Webmaster, and Database Manager in the past 12 years, and served on many committees during that time as well. Her input into how to make the club grow and get stronger was always well-reasoned and well thought out, and much appreciated by those with whom she served. The way the club works now is much a result of the effort she put in.

While Kirk isn’t moving from the area, she expressed a desire to “recharge her batteries” with some time away from KBC responsibilities. The club wishes her well in her “retirement,” and hopes to see her again soon on club rides. And if she decides to stick her head in at a meeting every now and again, she’s always welcome…

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Ride Captain’s Report

Dear KBC Friends:

The last two weekends, I've had the pleasure of hooking up with some of our local pros from the Priority Health team--on the home stretch of their training rides. As the weather has been rather gray, it's boosted my spirits to be able to chat with others who love our sport. Yesterday I asked Graham, "Are you guys winding up this season, or starting the next one already?" "Starting the next one", he replied. "How long have you been out today?" I asked. "Four and a-half hours." "Wow", I said. It was 38 degrees at the time. That's real dedication!

I on the other hand, am winding down the season. Like many of you, I still try to get out when I can, especially when the sun is shining. But I know before long the roads will be covered with snow. It's then that I'll put the bike aside for a few weeks, before I too think of gearing up for the spring. The question always arises at this time of year: after taking a few weeks of complete rest to recharge both body and mind, what can be done to maintain the basic fitness we'd like to have come spring?

I know many of you choose cross-country skiing, an excellent endurance sport. Running tends to work well for those interested in triathlon. I'd love to run, but my knees gave out long ago. Personally, I've come to enjoy elliptical machines, which are much like cycling in their action. And then, of course, there are indoor trainers....

Actually, done properly, indoor training can be fun. (Really!) If you haven't looked at the Spinervals series of DVD's, you might check them out. There's a large variety, suited to many different needs. Indoor training is always more fun when done with others, and some local bike shops offer sessions which many club members look forward to.

If you are making plans on how to maintain your basic fitness over the winter months, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

Winter is a good time for building/maintaining your base fitness with lower intensity activity. The body can't go full tilt all year round. Lower level aerobic activity has the added advantage of burning proportionally more fat than higher intensity workouts.

Winter is also a good time to focus on some weight-bearing exercise. It needn't be weightlifting--many other activities will do. The fact is, over long periods of time, cycling, a non-weight-bearing exercise, can actually contribute to calcium depletion and osteoporosis. Weight-bearing exercise, such as basketball and high-impact aerobics, encourage your body to build bone mass.

I hate to admit it, but winter is also a good time for stretching—and some day I'll probably take my own advice and try it.

Finally, as you gaze at catalogs and make out your holiday gift lists, one more thing you might consider is coaching to help you or a friend achieve next year's personal goals-whatever they may be. Several club members--all very accomplished riders themselves--offer coaching services, and even more coaching services are available on line.

I wish you a happy holiday season, and hope these few thoughts will inspire you as you look forward to a new riding season in a few months’ time. More winter training advice is available online at and And watching really can help the time pass on an indoor trainer.

Best. Knute Jacobson,
KBC Ride Captain

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Bike Accident Scene Management and First Aid Meeting

An unfortunate fact of life is that when large groups of bicyclists gather and ride together, accidents sometimes happen. KBC has had several crashes in recent years, and it occurred to Doug Kirk (who has been involved in several of these accidents) and also to others that KBC, its members and ride leaders, could use some First Aid and Accident Scene Management training. He has set in motion a plan for the club to do just that.

Kirk contacted KBC member Mike Jones, a Kalamazoo County Sheriff Deputy, and Tim Owens, the Emergency Medical Technician liaison at Bronson Hospital, and asked them if they would be willing to collaborate on a seminar dealing with bike accidents, their likely injuries, and accident scene management. Both agreed, and they and Kirk are currently figuring out a date and time that would work for all the parties involved. As of this writing, the date will likely be in early February, and the meeting place may be at an auditorium at Bronson. Information will follow via both the next PedalPress and through the KBC Yahoo Group when plans become finalized.

The accident scene management of the presentation will give attendees the skills they need to divert auto traffic safely around a fallen bicyclist, and also will deal with how to contact emergency help on the various KBC ride routes.

The medical portion will focus on emergency medical response care that bicyclists should know - focusing on the types of injuries and accidents bicyclists are likely to encounter on the road, including hard falls (fractures to clavicles, wrists, ribs, and abrasions and puncture wounds), closed head injuries and concussions, and allergic responses to bee and wasp stings. Heart problems will be addressed as well. In addition, “minimalist” first aid kits that bikers can carry with them will be a topic for discussion.

This program presents an excellent opportunity for KBC members to learn about what to do in the event of a bike accident. It is a good idea to prepare for these things ahead of time “just in case;” to be able to lend help and aid - and prevent further injury or pain to fallen friends should an accident occur.

Please consider attending this important seminar. The more people with this type of knowledge on KBC rides the better off we’ll all be.

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Advertising Policy Committee

In response to several local businesses asking KBC’s newsletter editor if they could advertise in the PedalPress newsletter, the club’s Executive Board realized it was time for the club to create a formal advertising and announcement policy that would address such inquiries.

Doug and Kathy Kirk, Dave Bishop, Bob Paksi and Zolton Cohen volunteered to staff the Advertising Policy Committee. They met and corresponded via email several times to talk over what the club’s policy should include.

One of the key points the Committee considered was whether or not the club should accept any “advertising” at all. Another was how such advertising – if the committee agreed to accept advertising – should be presented. Yet another was the aspect of trying to keep the PedalPress “pure” in the sense that it has never had advertising and is beholden to no one in its editorial content.

Additionally, the Committee was faced with being the “gatekeepers” for allowing one more source of advertising “noise” to creep into another facet of our lives.

In the end, the Advertising Policy Committee decided not to accept “advertising” in the traditional sense. However, recognizing that local shops not only have goods and services valuable to KBC members, and that local shops help the club out in many ways during the course of the year, the Committee recommended to the club’s Executive Board at the November monthly meeting that the PedalPress accept “announcements” of sales or events that are pertinent to the club’s members from local shops. The recommendations passed by a vote of the members present.

In addition, in order to help existing and new club members – as well as out-of-town visitors – locate and contact local bike-related shops, each PedalPress will contain contact information for those shops.

So, starting with this issue, you’ll see a new section created, located right above the club’s “Contacts” list at the end of the newsletter. It is named “Shop Notes.” Each shop’s name, address, phone number and website (if any) will be listed there.

These shops have been mailed a letter spelling out KBC’s new Announcement Policy. Each entity can make one announcement a month concerning sales, promotions, or other events occurring at their stores. Their announcements are limited to 100 words each, and no graphics or logos or anything other than straight text will be accepted.

So, it will be worth your while to check the new Shop Notes section each month in the PedalPress. In it you might find a notice of an upcoming sale on bike tires, winter cycling gloves or frame pumps at your favorite shop. Or an announcement of a bike demo day with a manufacturer’s rep, or a bike maintenance class.

In the end, the Committee thought this was a good compromise between allowing local shops to contact their target base of customers, and not allowing “advertising” to take over the club’s newsletter. The hope is that you’ll find the information valuable yet not obnoxious, and that you will make a point to patronize the local shops that are so supportive of the club’s efforts during the bike season.

Zolton Cohen,
Advertising Policy Committee Member

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Health Initiative Proposal

From: Kalamazoo Bicycle Club, Safety and Education Committee,
Victor Van Fleet, Chair.
5934 Wood Valley Rd. 49009.
Ph: 269-375-7691
Fax: 269-375-6201

The following proposal was presented and tentatively endorsed at the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club (KBC) monthly meeting 11/14/2006. Implementation of the final plan is predicated on subsequent KBC approval and support plus the efforts of dedicated, hard working, volunteers. Are you interested?

Healthy Habits

The program is an invitation to all men, women and children of any age and condition to participate. The objective is to inspire and encourage better exercise and nutritional habits that will result in much better health, happier lives and with substantial financial benefits.

A countywide, six month contest (May through October), between walkers/runners and bikers (as in bicycle) to determine which group can achieve the most significant health improvement over a given period of time. Awards and recognition will be based on four criteria: Number of exercise hours, number exercise miles, weight loss in pounds and as a percentage of starting weight and finally the positive difference between beginning and ending Body Mass Index (BMI).

The program will be known as "Hikers vs Bikers." Hikers include all participants on foot and Bikers include all participants on wheels. Generally speaking groups will organize in an area in which they live, work or go to school and will develop their own exercise and nutritional agenda. KBC will provide reporting forms to insure reporting uniformity, with written "who, what, where, why, when and how" instructions. Start organizing your group now and appoint a captain. Be ready for action May 1, 2007!

Participants as individuals or as a group will vie for prizes/incentives/certificates that may be awarded at various intervals during the program with a "grand finally" in October when the individuals and/or groups get recognition for their efforts and accomplishments. Money and in-kind prize recipients encouraged to use prizes or incentives to further healthy habits within their circle of acquaintances/influence.

Participants obligation: Keep accurate records of personal activity, observe all the rules of the road, biking etiquette and wear appropriate apparel with reflective sign on back indicating wearer as a contestant. ie., Hikers vs Bikers. KBC will be responsible for evaluating reporting forms and making awards.

Possible participants: Schools, churches, clubs, organizations, unions, corporations, companies, industries, associations etc.

Support groups to provide services, cash and in kind prizes/incentives: Sporting goods stores, nutritional stores, sheriff and police departments, roads and park departments, schools/colleges, various businesses and industry, clubs, trade associations.

The population of Kalamazoo County is approximately 300,000 and depending on which news stories you read, about 60% of our citizens are overweight and about 30% of those people are obese. This includes our kids, pre teens as well as teens. Through the efforts of 20th District Senator Tom George, a KBC member, legislation that allows insurance companies to offer financial incentives, up to 10%, to their insured, has passed both houses and the Governor has signed the bill. It will be effective this spring, 2007. Now we have another significant financial reason to get involved in a Healthy Habits program. The way to make this program pay off is to get people on a healthy diet and vigorously active on a regular exercise program. Hopefully the community will accept the challenge.

If your organization would benefit from a presentation on Healthy Habits and Hikers vs Bikers you may call or contact the writer at the above address/e-mail/phone/fax.

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Editor’s Letter

As President Mike Boersma said in his December President’s Letter, although the outdoor biking season is pretty much at an end, there is still a lot going on at the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club.

One thing I’m most looking forward to attending this winter is the seminar proposed by Doug Kirk concerning accident scene management and first aid for bicyclists. I’ve never been injured in a bike accident, but have witnessed 8-10 pretty severe ones. And I’ve always felt a bit helpless standing around while someone is writhing around on the ground in pain. While I always start directing traffic at such occurrences in order to avoid even further mayhem (and maybe also to avoid looking at blood…), I don’t even know how to do that all that well. So I think this will be a valuable service, and each member of KBC should be grateful to Kirk for putting this plan into action. I hope it never happens, but you could very well be the beneficiary of something someone else learns at this event…

Another KBC happening high on my “must attend” list is, of course, the Recovery Party. In addition to presenting the challenge of identifying without their helmets the people you rode with all summer, this party is known for its great (and abundant!) food. Plus, Cricket Howard just emailed me to say that he’s on board for another batch of Recovery Red beer. That’s worth going for right there. Plus, it’s a great chance to unwind, meet some new people and lie about how well your off-season training is going. Social Directors Jelania Haile and Renee Mitchell always have just the right touch at this type of gathering, so be sure to mark Saturday, January 27th on your calendar…And thanks once again to Megan, Fred and Rebecca James for so graciously opening up their home to KBC’s members.

We of the Advertising Policy Committee hope you get some use out of the new Shop Notes section created in the PedalPress. And we’re hoping the shops listed there utilize it to make announcements of sales and other events KBC members might be interested in. The idea was to make it as low-key as possible; but also to provide something useful that will serve both KBC members and our local shops. For an example, check out the announcement of bike and cross country ski maintenance classes offered at Breakaway Bicycles in December and January.

We’ll see how this new policy goes for a year and then maybe meet again to review what is working and what needs improvement. In the meantime, if you’ve got any suggestions or anything to add about this subject, please send me an email at:

Finally, I’d like to say a few words about KBC’s recent elections. It may have passed by the notice of most, but every member of the club’s Executive Board ran for and was re-elected to his or her post for another year. Mike Boersma, President; Jim Kindle, Vice President; Chris Haddock, Secretary; and Tom Keizer, Treasurer; all signed up for another stint on the Executive Board. It takes a level of commitment to do that, and KBC is fortunate to have this number of members willing to take the time out of their busy schedules to serve the club’s interests. If you see these members sometime, give a tip of the helmet and a word of thanks. They deserve it.

Zolton Cohen,
KBC Newsletter Editor

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Shop Notes

Alfred E Bike,
320 East Michigan, Kalamazoo, (269) 349-9423,

Billy’s Bike Shop,
63 East Battle Creek Street, Galesburg, 665-5202

Breakaway Bicycles,
185 Romence at Westnedge, Portage, (269) 324-5555,

Custer Cyclery,
104 North Augusta, Augusta, 731-3492

Gazelle Sports,
214 South Kalamazoo Mall, Kalamazoo, (269) 342-5996,

4813 West Milham, Portage

Village Cyclery,
US 131 in Schoolcraft, 679-4242,

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KBC Contact Information

2006 KBC Board of Directors

President Mike Boersma
  Phone: 269-720-1409
Vice President Jim Kindle
  Phone: 269-382-8053
Secretary Chris Haddock
  Phone: 269-624-5418
Treasurer Tom Keizer
  Phone: 269-382-4737
Database Manager Paul Bruneau
  Phone: 269-343-6016
Newsletter Editor Zolton Cohen
  Phone: 269-344-0200
Ride Captain Knute Jacobson
  Phone: 269-629-0093
Social Director Jelania Haile
  Phone: 269-345-1274
Social Director Renee Mitchell
Safety and Education Chair Victor VanFleet
  Phone: 269-375-7691
Webmaster Kathy Kirk
  Phone: 269-388-5045
Flowerfest Director Michael Krischer
Flowerfest Director "Super" Dave Bishop
  Phone: 269-679-4522

Active subscriptions:


December Birthdays:

Paula M. Allred Mike Boersma Al Cergol Pat Clark Joseph Dill Eric Feucht Daniel Goldberger Troy Halseth Sherry Higgins Rosemary Jacobson Mike Jones Dan Kallewaard Stephanie Kennedy Dale Krueger Ruth Krueger Greg Lawford Donna Leversee Susan Leversee Doug McDonnell David Mitchell Donald Mitchell Erica Munson Crystal Raynes Amber Salome Paul Stevens Stoyan Stoychev Monica Tory

New members:

None this month

December Expiring memberships:

Jim Hainen Chris “Cricket” Howard & Katy Jackson Dan & Hannah Kallewaard William Panich Mark Prairie

KBC Membership Fees

Monthly club meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month February through December at the YMCA on Maple Street in Kalamazoo. Time is 7:00 PM. All members are encouraged to attend.

Please go to our website at to sign up for membership and for more information about KBC.

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