September 2010
- September 2010 President’s Letter
- Next KBC Monthly Meeting – September 14th, 2010
- KBC Anniversary Ride and Picnic 2010
- Michigan Recumbent Bicycle Rally – West
- Kaltour 2010 Report
- Ride to South Haven Report
- Minutes
- Masthead
- KBC Statistics
- Editor's Letter – Happy 30th Anniversary to a Bicycle that Deserves Better
- Some Upcoming Area Rides of Interest
- Classified Ads
- Shop Notes - Important Announcements from Local Shops
- Bicycling Safety Disclaimer
September 2010 President’s Letter
As the days are getting shorter, keep in mind that September ride times will be at 6:00 P.M. Please wear bright clothing and use lights when required.
September marks the thirty-ninth anniversary of the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club. More information about the annual Anniversary Ride on September 18 can be found elsewhere in the Pedal Press.
There have been a limited number of road rage incidents occurring during KBC rides. The most recent incident involved a group during a Wednesday night ride when a driver became irate because KBC riders were observing the law allowing bicyclists to ride two abreast as far to the right of the road as possible. Please do not allow yourself to get baited into a shouting match (or worse) with the yahoo instigating the incident. Please get the license plate number of the vehicle and a vehicle description. Please contact law enforcement as soon as possible after the incident and file a police report and get the number of the police report. Please follow up with the police agency to see if the matter has been resolved.
The roads we ride on are not getting any better. General elections are coming up in November. I have yet to hear anyone talk about their plan to fix the roads. If you do hear about someone running for office that has a plan to fix the roads, please let me know.
Mike Boersma, KBC President
Next KBC Monthly Meeting - September 14th, 2010
The next KBC Monthly Meeting will take place at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, September 14th, 2010 at the Kalamazoo YMCA on Maple Street. All KBC members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
KBC Anniversary Ride and Picnic 2010
The annual Anniversary Ride is scheduled this year for September 18, 2010. Of course, we are hoping for an exceptional turn-out, and exceptional weather! We will meet at the Kal-Haven Trail Head at 10:00 A.M. and head out for an early autumn ride on familiar roads.
After the ride, we'll enjoy the perfect picnic lunch – an assortment of sub sandwiches and pot luck dishes brought by you! This picnic is perfect for families and kids, and friends who may be interested in biking.
We'll have a table set up for pictures from your summer cycling adventures, so please bring them! New!!! . . . We're going to start an Anniversary Album this year, so bring a few extra pictures, to start the collection.
Several rides will leave from the Kal-Haven Trailhead at 10 A.M. (of course, the Kal-Haven trail is available as well). Plan your ride so that you can be back to the park by noon. We will provide assorted sandwiches, pop, cider, and tableware. Please bring a salad, side dish, snack, or dessert to share.
Ride details: Riders will leave the trailhead parking lot at 10 A.M. on routes of 14, 19, 23, 31 or 36 miles. You choose your route and group, and time your speed to get back around noon. Maps of the various routes will be provided. Riders doing the longest route, 36 miles, have averaged about 18-19 mph in the past.
Some things to remember:
- Lawn Chairs
- Pictures and stories from your summer riding.
- Dish to pass.
See you then!
Teri Olbrot and Janet DeZwaan, KBC Social Directors
Michigan Recumbent Bicycle Rally — West
Are you interested in seeing/riding a variety of recumbent bicycles and tricycles on lightly-trafficked roads? For free? On Saturday, September 11, the Kalamazoo area will have a chance to check out some of these non-standard human-powered vehicles. The Michigan Recumbent Rally – West is an informal day of riding and yakking about recumbents, open to the public with no charge or obligation. Normally, one would have to travel a considerable distance to see more than one brand of recumbent, but at this event, owners and enthusiasts from this area will gather with their vehicles to share their knowledge and experience. All are welcome!
When: The fun starts at 10 A.M. and goes until at least 2:30 P.M., Saturday, September. 11, 2010. There is no formal schedule, so drop by any time.
Where: Parkview Campus, WMU. This is the location of the BTR Park and our College of Engineering; enter at Parkview and Drake. We will be set up on the surface parking lot to the east of the main engineering building.
Questions: The local organizer is KBC member Paul Pancella. Reach him by phone at 373-5413 or e-mail.
Kaltour 2010 Report
It was a warm, but not too hot day for the 2010 running of KalTour on Sunday, July 11. As usual, the first century riders were eager to get started even before the official 7:00 A.M. starting time, and the last century riders left the Briar Patch Sag stop only moments before the official 4:00 P.M. end of the ride. Much of the day was familiar to repeat riders, such as the early morning dash to Timber Ridge for the 62 and 100 mile riders and the crowds at the Briar Patch gobbling cookies, Subway sandwiches, and Gatorade.
There were a few changes: Construction at KVCC led to a new location for ride headquarters and a longer walk to the bathrooms. A change to the route gave the 62 and 100 mile riders the opportunity to use the CR 388 hill in Van Buren County to warm up for the 6th Street hill. However, riders on all of the routes enjoyed the downhill from 6th Street and R Avenue on the last leg of the route.
I spent over two hours at the Lawton sag stop, about two-thirds of the way through the century route. I was amazed at the continual flow of people all through that time; I was never alone. The first riders were coming through even as I arrived shortly after 11:00 A.M., intent on finishing the century in 6 hours. The last few riders certainly showed more fatigue than the earlier bunch, but they all seemed to be enjoying themselves.
Many people and organizations make KalTour possible including (in no particular order) Mikie Dould, Zolton Cohen, Mike Boersma, Mark Jensen, Paul Bruneau, Jim Wyrick, Chris Barnes, Dave Bishop, Tom Keizer, Terry O'Connor, Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club, Breakaway Bicycles, Friends of the Kalamazoo River Valley Trailway, John Idema, John Olbrot, Ed Micalizzi, Rick Whaley, and Donna Whitcomb and Alive After Five chapter of Ambucs.
KalTour 2011 will be KBC's 20th ride under the combined Flowerfest and KalTour names. Let us know at what you would like to see on this ride.
Mike Krischer, KalTour Co-Director
Ride to South Haven Report
The double digit barrier was broken at this year's Ride to South Haven on Saturday, August 7, with 11 riders, including one recumbent (Paul Bruneau) and one tandem (John and Barb Hart). Be the first to ride a unicycle in 2011!
The weather was quite nice as we left the parking lot of KVCC just after 8:00 A.M. The group stayed together through the first 25 miles to Lawrence, but then Dale Krueger, who had ridden 10 miles to KVCC, started feeling the effect of the hills, and dropped back from the pack. At South Haven, Dale decided to call it a day and arrange a ride home. It was still a fine effort by the 78 year old and the Ride Leader hopes that he's riding as strongly at that age.
After the usual delicious subs in South Haven (and ice cream for the RL, who couldn't talk anyone else into having any), we rode back to Kalamazoo by way of Lawrence once again with a tailwind most of the way. The riders broke into three or four groups, but remained within about a quarter mile of one another. We took another impromptu break just outside of Mattawan, while Tim Stewart fixed a flat and then we arrived at KVCC at about 4:00 P.M., averaging approximately 16 mph for the 102 mile route.
There, we dined on the traditional pretzels and drank the traditional Gatorade, while the RL and Paul worked on the second flat of the day, using a floor bicycle pump to put air into the left rear tire of the RL's car, which was suffering from a slow leak. The riders then drove home in the warm glow of accomplishment that complimented the warm glow of the sun, and the RL got the tire patched on Monday, so it turned out to be a happy ending for all.
Rick Whaley
Monthly Meeting Minutes
The monthly KBC general club meeting was held at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at the YMCA on Maple Street in Kalamazoo. Attending were Mike Boersma, Doug Kirk, Victor Van Fleet, Jim Willard, Tom Keizer, Rick Whaley, Teri Olbrot, Mike Mock, and Aliceanne Inskeep.
At 7:02 P.M., Mike B. welcomed everyone to the meeting and everyone introduced themselves. Tom gave the Treasurer's Report, noting that KBC had income of $5036 and expenses of $2358 during July. There is $6909 in the checking account and $11057 in the Certificate of Deposit. He also reported that the KalTour had income of $5650 and expenses of $4433 for a profit of $1217. Half of the profit was donated to the Kalamazoo Community Foundation for the Kalamazoo River Valley Trailway.
The Kalamazoo Draft Bike Parking Space Ordinance was briefly discussed. Reaction to the ordinance was favorable with those in attendance noting that the ordinance would only apply to new businesses and that the parking size and number of spaces required for a given business may be reduced, based, in part, by feedback by KBC members. Doug made a motion for KBC to approve this ordinance and Tom seconded the motion. The motion was passed with one dissention (by, it just so happens, the Pedal Press Editor, who STILL thinks that this should be voluntary).
Mike B. reported that the BTR race had a record number of registrants and that our participation in the event was noted and appreciated by WMU. It was noted that Greg Lawford, the Co-Director of the race, will be moving to Texas and Doug and Mike B. pointed out that someone needs to take his place.
Teri stated that the KBC Anniversary Ride will be held on Saturday, September 18, 2010. Either subs or pizza will be served.
Mike B. reported that a link to the survey by the League of Michigan Bicyclists (LMB) is now on our website. This survey is being done to so that the LMB can find out how they can best serve their members. Mike B. encouraged members to participate in this survey.
Mike M. reported that he contacted the Komen Foundation about having a charity bicycle ride and that he is continuing to look into having a ride of this nature in 2011. Mike B. noted that if a date could be chosen by October 2010, the ride could be included in the 2011 LMB Ride Calendar. Doug noted that a good date for the ride would be around mid-May to mid-June, as there are lots of rides later in the summer.
Victor noted that a way to increase KBC's membership would be for members of the club to give sales pitches to local businesses, letting them know the benefits (health and otherwise) of bicycling. He stated that in order to keep current members and attract new members that KBC should be run like a business, although Doug expressed the opinion that KBC was not a business, so it shouldn't be run like one. Jim noted that the club could develop a business case for cycling which might help increase awareness and participation in bicycling. Methods of increasing awareness of cycling were briefly discussed and then the meeting was adjourned at 7:46 P.M.
Reported by Rick Whaley, in lieu of Secretary Bill Figeley.
The electronically-distributed KBC Pedal Press comes out on or around the first of each month.
If you have an article or a notice that you want to go into the PedalPress, please email it to the newsletter editor, by the 20th of the month before its intended publication.
For example, if you'd like an article to be published in the October edition (distributed on or around the first of October), have it to the newsletter editor by the 20th of September.
KBC Statistics
Active subscriptions: 261
New members:
Chauncey Brinn · Eri Brinn · Janis Brinn · Tommy Brinn · Trevor Brinn · Alex Bross · Sonia Eden · Raymond Farmer · Tycho Fredericks · Adam Marshall · Daniel Marshall · Jacob Marshall · Jeannette Marshall · Bob Randall · Patricia Randall · Tom Ray · Barry Roelofs · Richard Sachwitz · Alan Sawyer · Richard Seabold · Nancy Van Kannel–Ray
September Expiring memberships:
Lee Anderson · Mark Boese · Max Breuer · London Crowley · Tom George Family · John Green · Phillip Heasley Family · John Idema · H. Knute Jacobson Family · Larry Kissinger · Michael Krischer · Tim Krone · Pam McDonnell · Smith Moore · Kyle Patchen · Brian Rhodes · Michael Riordan · Allen Tans
Renewed memberships:
Terry O'Connor · Tom & Celine Keizer · Tucker York · David Merwin · Peter Coles Family
Paul Bruneau, KBC Database Manager
Editor’s Letter –Happy 30th Anniversary to a Bicycle that Deserves Better
My 12-speed Fuji bicycle spends its days placed upside down in a storage room in my basement, sharing space with the dried out carcasses of numerous dead bugs. The frame is rusted, a shifter cable is broken, the seat padding has holes, and the tires are deflated. If bicycles drank, it would probably have a couple of empty whiskey bottles beside it. All in all, it's a sad state of affairs for a bicycle with which I've had many adventures during the almost 30 years that I have owned it.
I remember like yesterday (give or take about 360 months minus one day) when I decided to make an upgrade from my 3-speed to a "fancy" bicycle that would have at least 10 speeds and drop down handle bars. So I went to the local bike shop in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and found that I had 5 choices. There were two models of Trek bicycles, but they cost either $400 or $500. A combination of two factors (being in graduate school while working part time and a natural inclination towards cheapness) meant that these bicycles might as well have been encrusted with rubies, as well. So, I set my sights on buying one of the three models of Fuji bicycles, costing $200, $250, or $300. In the spirit of growing up as the middle child of three boys, I chose the $250 Fuji, the Gran Tourer SE.
My next decision was to choose the color. Back in those days, many bicycle models actually came in more than one color, more than one, in this case, meaning two. My choices were red or green and the choice was obvious. It had to be red.
While my choices in automobile colors tend towards the bland, when choosing a color for a bicycle, it's the brighter the better. A bicycle should not only be fast, it should also look fast, and a red bicycle, the crème de la crème of bicycle colors, looks like it's going about 20 mph, even when it is propped up against a tree. And it is almost a tragedy, when I look around during one of our after work rides and see the large number of black bicycles. Even my own bicycle is a combination of black and white (et tu, Whaley?). Where are those bold, make-a-statement bicycle colors? As far as I'm concerned, if you want to ride a hearse, ride a black bicycle. But if you want to ride a Corvette, ride a red bicycle.
So, I chose the red bicycle. The afternoon after I bought it, I rode 13 miles to our department picnic, where my fellow graduate students and the professors stared at my bike with a mixture of longing and envy (or at least I like to think that they did). I do know that one of my friends, who had attended North Carolina State as an undergraduate, complemented me on my "Wolfpack Red" bicycle, which was the only downside of owning a red bicycle when you're going to school as a Tar Heel. But, a light blue bicycle just doesn't look fast.
Two months later, I did my first Century ride. This was not an organized ride; it just so happened that I would be spending Thanksgiving at the home of an Aunt and Uncle who lived almost exactly 100 miles east of Chapel Hill, and I was looking for adventure and whatever comes my way with the exception of flat tires, because I was born to be wild, at least as wild as a biostatistician-in-training can be. So, the day before Thanksgiving, I rode the back roads to Tarboro, North Carolina, dressed in running shoes, corduroy jeans, a flannel shirt, and a hooded sweatshirt, as well as a Bell bicycle/pith helmet that completed my stylish 1980 cycling look. I arrived uneventfully in Tarboro that afternoon and three days later, I discovered what it was like to ride a Century into a headwind the entire way. I experienced one of the longest two miles of my life after I finished the ride, while forcing myself to walk from my apartment to the bus station and back to pick up my suitcase that my Aunt had sent back on the bus. I slept well that night.
I won't describe in detail any more accounts of rides well done on my Fuji, at least in this Editor's Letter. Suffice to say that this bike served me well in subsequent years while I lived in North Carolina, Vermont, back in North Carolina, New Hampshire, and Ohio. But, by the time I moved to Portage in 1996, I knew that the day was coming that I would have to get a new bike, and I became more aware of this fact, when I started doing the after work club rides in the summer of 1997. Compared to the other bicycles, I was riding the equivalent of a Model-T Ford and the bicycle rack and toe clips did nothing to improve matters. I came down with a bad case of bicycle envy of my own. So, in August of 1997, I took my Fuji out for one last great adventure, a five day, unsupported, semi-roughing it, motels at night tour of the eastern Upper Peninsula. The following month, 17 years to the day after buying my Fuji, I bought my first Lemond Zurich. And to those of you who are thinking, "What kind of person remembers the date that they bought a bicycle?!" I can only reply that I am that kind of person.
For the next 11 years, I continued to ride my Fuji, but only on my stationary trainer during the winter months. Even so, I kept it in good condition, even buying new handle bar tape for it three years ago, when the old tape finally began to unravel. But after buying my current Lemond Zurich two years ago, things changed. I rarely ride my Fuji anymore, even on the stationary trainer, and when the shifter cable broke, I didn't bother to replace it. So, there is sits, alone and almost forgotten.
I don't foresee a happy ending for this bicycle. Due to its appearance, I don't think that anyone would want to buy it, and I'm not sure that anyone would even want it for free. Plus, I don't know how long the frame is going to last. The components, with the possible exception of the rims and tires, aren't anything to brag about. And while my Fuji has great historical value, at least for me, I doubt that the Smithsonian will want it, either. So, someday, after salvaging what I can from it, I may end up putting it out for the yearly Portage spring trash pick-up, and watch, with a tear in my eye, while a scavenger picks it up before the city does.
But, in the meantime, maybe it's time for one last hurrah. I've discovered that the tubes still hold air. The cable can be fixed. And my Fuji's 30th anniversary is on September 13, which is on a Monday. So, if you see me during the Monday night ride on a rusty old red bike, you'll know the reason why. And, even in my basement, I'd be lying if I said that it still didn't look fast. At least in comparison with the bugs.
Rick Whaley, KBC Newsletter Editor
Some Upcoming Area Rides of Interest
Saturday, September 11, 2010. Michigan Recumbent Bicycle Rally – West, Kalamazoo, MI. See the article elsewhere in this issue of the Pedal Press.
Sunday, September 12, 2010. Vineyard Classic, Paw Paw, MI. 22, 39, and 60 miles.
Sunday, September 26, 2010. Apple Cider Century, Three Oaks, MI. 15, 25, 37, 50, 62, 75, and 100 miles.
Saturday, October 9, 2010. Colorburst Bicycle Tour, Lowell, MI. 17, 30, 62, 100 miles (paved) and 30 and 62 miles (unpaved).
Classified Ads
NEW: Kestrel 200 SC road bike with Shimano DuraAce components and EMS composite forks. Campagnolo Omega wheels. White in color, good condition. Not sure how old it is (probably 1990s), but I bought it used in around 2000 and used it for about 15 Olympic distance triathlons, plus about 200 miles per year. Not sure what size it is, but it stands 32 inches high at the top tube. Asking price is $600, but will consider any offer. E-mail Rob or call 269-664-6489
NEW:I am looking for a used carbon fiber bike. Contact Maggie Miller.
Cannondale Ironman 2000 (model year 2003) time trial bike. Size 56 with the CAAD5 Aero frame. Components are Ultegra and Dura-Ace with Spinergy Xaero Lite 650 wheels. Additional race accessories include Zipp 800 full disk rear and Zipp 400 front with new tubular tires. Extra sets of tires included. $1,500 for full setup. Will also consider selling without Zipp racing wheelset. Call 806-7164 or contact
RELIV Nutritional Shakes, they are great! For more info contact Mike @ 269-350-5010, 269–266–2671, or Independent Distributor.
Several items for sale. Ultegra 10-speed Crankset 53/39 175 mm ($125). Good condition. 105 10–speed crankset 53/39 172.5 mm ($100), very good condition. Burley delight trailer for two, about six years old – very good condition, the hitch attaches to the rear stays ($200). Slingshot cyclo–cross bike – Origin–8 carbon fork, 105 components, race face compact crank, sun/ringlet flea wheelset. 56 centimeters, not typical slingshot set up; standard frame can be seen on the slingshot website ($1200). Call Jeff Robertson at 269–924–8928.
For Sale: Trek Fluid CycleOps trainer, bought last winter, used once, includes climbing block. $140. Please contact Doug Weldon at (269) 372-0758.
Shop Notes
Alfred E Bike
320 East Michigan, Kalamazoo, (269) 349–9423
Billy's Bike Shop
63 East Battle Creek Street, Galesburg, (269) 665–5202
Breakaway Bicycles
185 Romence at Westnedge, Portage, (269) 324–5555,
Custer Cyclery
104 North Augusta, Augusta, (269) 731–3492
Gazelle Sports
214 South Kalamazoo Mall, Kalamazoo, (269) 342–5996,
Gear up for Gazelle Sports' Metro Trek Urban Adventure Race on September 25... a super fun event for beginners and experienced racers, the Metro Trek is an 8-10 hour sprint adventure race offering the best wilderness and urban combo. Bike, trek, navigate, ropes, paddle, and a great time! Visit for details.
Team Active
22 W Michigan, Battle Creek, 1–800–841–9494
Village Cyclery
US 131 in Schoolcraft, 679–4242
Zoo City Cycle & Sports
4328 South Westnedge, Kalamazoo (269) 552–3000
Bicycling Safety Disclaimer
Important: Riding a bicycle is an inherently dangerous activity. There are risks of injury or death. You could ride over something and fall, or get hit by an automobile or strike or be struck by another bicyclist. There are many other dangers to bicycling as well.
While nothing can eliminate all risks associating with bicycle riding, to minimize the danger, make sure you and your bicycle are in good riding condition. Know the rules of the road and also of the group you're riding with, and ride in a manner consistent with the protocols of that group. Always wear a bike helmet, use bike lights if riding in the dawn, dusk or dark, and consider purchasing and riding with additional safety equipment such as reflectors and rear view mirrors.