February 2011

- February 2011 President’s Letter
- Next KBC Monthly Meeting – February 8th, 2010
- KRVT Pave the Way Promotion
- Masthead
- KBC Statistics
- Editor's Letter — A Sneak Preview of the 2011 Michigan Ride Calender
- Some Upcoming Area Rides of Interest
- Classified Ads
- Shop Notes - Important Announcements from Local Shops
- Bicycling Safety Disclaimer
February 2011 President’s Letter
Well! Wasn't that a party?
KBC's annual Recovery Party, held on Saturday, January 22, came off without a hitch – thanks to the superb planning and implementation of KBC's outgoing Social Directors Teri Olbrot and Janet DeZwaan. A big round of thanks also goes to Teri and John Olbrot for letting us again invade their spacious home for the party.
The food was terrific; the culinary skills put on display were truly impressive. Tomato bisque and peanut chili side-by-side on the soup bar? Salads galore; deserts diverse enough to satisfy any sweet tooth. You had to really not be paying attention to come away hungry from Recovery Party 2011!
Special mention must be made of Race Team Director Jon Ballema, whose initial foray into beer acquisition duties hit it right out of the park. The Belgian Triple and Irish Red beers he obtained from a friend who, as Jon said, "Takes homebrewing to a whole new level," went down very easy indeed. On a personal note, I'd have to say that each of those beers was among the top few I'd ever had in their respective classes. They made me wish I had brought along a designated driver...
No Recovery Party would be complete, of course, without the generous raffle prizes donated to the club by local bike shops. And this year, as in the past, they came through with many useful items, from jerseys, bike shorts, socks, saddles, and water bottles to gift certificates. It is worth reminding every reader of this President's Letter that Alfred E Bike, Breakaway Bicycles, Village Cyclery, Zoo City Cycle and the new Pedal bike shop in downtown Kalamazoo are the stores that support the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club. We should do our part in turn by supporting them with our patronage.
The President's Volunteer of the Year Award, along with a $50 gift certificate to a local bike shop, went to long-time KBC Treasurer Tom Keizer. You'll not hear any horn-blowing from Tom about his service to the club, but he labors long hours on behalf of KBC and has done so for years. We're lucky to have his precise, timely and accurate Treasurer's reports as keystones on the Executive Committee. He is a most worthy recipient of this award.
Thanks also go to KBC Secretary Bill Figeley for putting together the slide show of the club's 2010 events, along with accompanying music. Kudos as well to Awards MC and KBC Vice President Doug Kirk for his lively distribution of both the silly and the practical awards and prizes.
Thanks everyone who contributed to this great event. And thank you as well to those who braved the frigid air to come to the party!
On another note, KBC has been busy behind the scenes this winter as we ramp up toward another bike season. In December, KBC Awards Committee Chair Paul Selden and I represented KBC and manned a booth at Eaton Corporation's Wellness Fair. Member Bill Braun, an employee of Eaton, served as the liaison and got us in the door. We made a lot of good contacts at the fair and spoke to many people about the club, its mission, and the general state of cycling in the region.
In the meantime, my usual ambitious winter plan to exercise, eat sensibly, and cross country ski to the point of significant physical gain has hit a few potholes along the way. The goal was to enter bike season so strong that the cords in my legs would stand out like ships' rigging. More realistically now, my best hope at this stage is to merely emerge in the spring; pasty of flesh, soft and kitten-like, but steady enough to remain upright on a bicycle. And still your President!
Zolton Cohen, KBC President
Next KBC Monthly Meeting - February 8th 2011
There was no Monthly Meeting in January. The next KBC Monthly Meeting will take place at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, February 8th 2011 at the Kalamazoo YMCA on Maple Street. All KBC members are welcome to attend.
KVRT Pave the Way Promotion
The Parks Foundation of Kalamazoo County has launched the Pave the Way gift program to raise dollars for the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail. For every donation of $35 or more the name of your choice will be displayed in kiosks along the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail. Gifts through the Pave the Way promotion will be combined with other private dollars and dedicated public funds to continue to construct what will ultimately be a 35 mile trail.
For more information and to donate, visit www.KalamazooRiverValleyTrail.com .
The electronically-distributed KBC Pedal Press comes out on or around the first of each month.
If you have an article or a notice that you want to go into the PedalPress, please email it to the newsletter editor, editor@kalamazoobicycleclub.org by the 20th of the month before its intended publication.
For example, if you'd like an article to be published in the March edition (distributed on or around the first of March), have it to the newsletter editor by the 20th of February.
KBC Statistics
Active subscriptions: 257
New members:
None this month
January Expiring memberships:
Jon Ballema · Marcia Bear · Bill Figeley · Terry Florian Family · Ralph Freed · Dave & Jennifer Hauschild · Marc Irwin · Greg Lawford Family · James Murray · Bob Paksi · Michael Vandeveer · Daniel Victor
Renewed memberships:
Tom Cross Family · Richard Morse · Paul Powers
Paul Bruneau, KBC Database Manager
Editor’s Letter – A Sneak Preview of the 2011 Michigan Ride Calender
There are many perks that come with the job of Pedal Press Editor. For example, I get to read each month's Pedal Press before anyone else does. And ..... o.k., well, there's one perk. However, every now and then, I'm also privy to the sort of inside information that only we intrepid reporter types are able to obtain, such as getting an early copy of the scorching off the presses League of Michigan Bicyclists 2011 Michigan Ride Calendar. Read about just a sample of the rides that are being offered in Michigan this year and plan your riding season accordingly.
4/3 Sunday
The Really Worst Day of the Year Ride
Start: Ann Arbor
Distance: 50 miles, if you're very, very lucky
Fee: Free and you get what you pay for
You think the middle of winter is a bad time to ride? Just wait 'till you see what we've got in store for you! Tacks on the road! Potholes as big as craters! Packs of rabid, wild dogs! Homicidal motorists with blood in their eyes! What else is there to do but to make sure that your life insurance is paid up!
Wheels not in Motion for Long Cycling and Fitness
5/7 Saturday
Michigan Unicycle Rally
Start: Willow Metropark
Distance: 10, 25, 45, 62 yards
Fee: Free for those dressed as clowns, others $10
Experience the total discomfort of unicycle riding! "Buying Your First Unicycle" talk at 11:00, "Learning to Juggle While Riding Your Unicycle" talk at 11:30. Group ride from noon to 12:05.
Wolver-Bozo Unicycle Cyclists
5/15 Sunday
Wooly Bully Bike Rally
Start: Coldwater
Distance: 15, 25, 40, 62, and 100
Fee: Uno, Dos, One, Two, Tres, plus Quatro dollars
Matty told Hatty about a ride with thrills. By a chain of lakes and some rolling hills. Wooly Bully, Wooly Bully. Wooly Bully, Wooly Bullbi, Cycle Rally. Matty told Hatty, "Let's don't take no chance. Let's not be an L-seven, come and ride like Lance." Wooly Bully, Wooly Bully. Wooly Bully, Wooly Bullbi, Cycle Rally. Matty told Hatty. "That's the thing to do. Get you someone really to do the ride with you."
Wooly Bullaaaaaaaay, Wooly Bully Bike Association
6/11 Saturday
Southeast Michigan Tour de Cure Hot Foot
Start: Brighton
Distance: 10, 25, 75, and 100
Fee: $2, after 3/21 $2.50
Ride includes stocked rest stops, lunch, and foot massages. A minimum of $5 in fundraising is required per rider and all funds go to support hot foot research, education, and advocacy. All riders will receive shoe stretchers, allen wrenches, and a goodie bag. Ride for an excellent cause and help to stop Hot Foot, that scourge of cyclists, in Michigan.
American Hot Foot Association
6/18 Saturday
National 24-Minute Challenge
Start: Teenyweenyville
Distance: 1.216, 0.237, and 0.075 mile loops
Fee: $75, after 4/30 $95, after 5/31 "How much have you got?"
Personal Best On-Road Endurance Ride for those with no endurance. In 2010 riders from 29 states, Canada, Poland, Mexico, and Mars. Traditional ukulele sendoff. Certificates, yardage pin, results written on the back of old envelopes, and special 100,000 yard sock.
7/2 Saturday
Lions Pickerel/Asian Carp Bike Tour
Start: Algonac/Clay Twp.
Distance: 25, 40
Fee: $20, but donations of rotenone are also appreciated
An annual fundraiser held during what could eventually become the traditional Lions Asian Carp Tournament. Surrounded by the blue waters of the St. Clair River, riders enjoy an "away from them all for the time being" feeling.
7/16 Saturday
Inability Tour
Start: Lansing
Distance: 8, 30, uncountable
Fee: What are those funny rectangular things, anyway?
The Inability Tour is a ride to raise awareness for people overcoming abilities. People of all abilities are encouraged to ride while they still know how to do so.
7/28 Thursday – 8/26 Friday
Wish-It-Was-Over 3000 Mile Bicycle Tour
Start: Traverse City/Yellowknife
Distance: 3000
Fee: $950 registration $7500 fundraising goal
The Wish-It-Was-Over 3000 is a thirty day, 3000 mile ride benefitting the Bake-a-Quiche Foundation of Michigan. WIWO unites cyclists at all levels for a common goal to just get this stinkin' ride over with.
Bake-a-Quiche Foundation of Michigan
8/6 Saturday
What Does it Matter 2011 Apathetic Association
Start: Harrison Township
Distance: Whenever you decide to quit
Fee: Whatever
For all ages. Big whoop. Food, water stops, yada, yada, yada. Scenic water views, but we'll all die eventually. Preregistration highly recommended ии ahh, just show up the day of the ride, if you feel like it.
Apathetic Association
(We were going to create a website, but why bother?)
8/13 Saturday
Cycle to Shop
Start: Grand Rapids
Distance: Until you drop
Fee: Who cares, just charge it!
A fashionista-friendly ride in southwest Grand Rapids, which also serves as a great tune-up for the DALMAC ride. They have "The Wall." We have "The Mall." Pledges encouraged as all proceeds support Visa, MasterCard, and Discover Card.
8/27 Saturday
Knuckle of the Ring Finger Double Metric Century Ride
Start: Reed City/Charlevoix
Distance: 200 km.
Fee: 50 metric dollars ($31)
Ride the scenic ring finger of Michigan from Reed City to Charlevoix, riding through Manton, the "Knuckle of the Ring Finger" of Michigan. Sweethearts, propose to your "Shifter Wookums," in Cadillac, the "Place where the Engagement Ring is Located on the Ring Finger" of Michigan.
9/17 Saturday
Harbor Stings Cycling Classic
Start: Harbor Springs
Distance: 20, 50, 61
Fee: $25, $30 day of ride
The "Tunnel of Bees" is a part of each route. Sticky sweets at each refreshment stop and ambulance service included. Ice packs and epinephrine available. Join us for a great ride with lots of friendly people and lots of not-so-friendly insects.
Wow! All I can say is that if your adrenaline isn't pumping by now, you must either be dead or illiterate. Thank you, LMB, for giving me something to live for until the snow melts!
Rick Whaley, KBC Newsletter Editor
Some Upcoming Area Rides of Interest
Still no upcoming rides of interest, although those listed above look pretty interesting.
Classified Ads
For Sale – Girls Trek MT-60 (mineral blue) in excellent condition, bought new in May 2007, adjustable for a 5 year-old up to 9 year-old, 6-speed with front and rear grip shift hand brakes, also has front shocks. Our daughter outgrew it and is now in an adult size mountain bike. Owner's manual and matching helmet included, photos available upon request. $125. Please contact Stephanie Sabin at (269) 350-6225 or sabinsms@gmail.com
Kestrel 200 SC road bike with Shimano DuraAce components and EMS composite forks. Campagnolo Omega wheels. White in color, good condition. Not sure how old it is (probably 1990s), but I bought it used in around 2000 and used it for about 15 Olympic distance triathlons, plus about 200 miles per year. Not sure what size it is, but it stands 32 inches high at the top tube. Asking price is $600, but will consider any offer. E-mail Rob at rkengis@hotmail.com or call 269-664-6489.
I am looking for a used carbon fiber bike. Contact Maggie Miller at maggiemiller@rocketmail.com.
Cannondale Ironman 2000 (model year 2003) time trial bike. Size 56 with the CAAD5 Aero frame. Components are Ultegra and Dura-Ace with Spinergy Xaero Lite 650 wheels. Additional race accessories include Zipp 800 full disk rear and Zipp 400 front with new tubular tires. Extra sets of tires included. $1,500 for full setup. Will also consider selling without Zipp racing wheelset. Call 806-7164 or contact Kellam.glen@yahoo.com.
Shop Notes
Alfred E Bike
320 East Michigan, Kalamazoo, (269) 349–9423
Billy's Bike Shop
63 East Battle Creek Street, Galesburg, (269) 665–5202 www.billysbikeshop.com
Breakaway Bicycles
185 Romence at Westnedge, Portage, (269) 324–5555,
Custer Cyclery
104 North Augusta, Augusta, (269) 731–3492
Gazelle Sports
214 South Kalamazoo Mall, Kalamazoo, (269) 342–5996,
611 W Michigan Avenue, Kalamazo, (269) 56–PEDAL
Team Active
22 W Michigan, Battle Creek, 1–800–841–9494
Village Cyclery
US 131 in Schoolcraft, 679–4242
Zoo City Cycle & Sports
4328 South Westnedge, Kalamazoo (269) 552–3000
Bicycling Safety Disclaimer
Important: Riding a bicycle is an inherently dangerous activity. There are risks of injury or death. You could ride over something and fall, or get hit by an automobile or strike or be struck by another bicyclist. There are many other dangers to bicycling as well.
While nothing can eliminate all risks associating with bicycle riding, to minimize the danger, make sure you and your bicycle are in good riding condition. Know the rules of the road and also of the group you're riding with, and ride in a manner consistent with the protocols of that group. Always wear a bike helmet, use bike lights if riding in the dawn, dusk or dark, and consider purchasing and riding with additional safety equipment such as reflectors and rear view mirrors.