Kalamazoo Bicycle Club Newsletter
March 2011

March 2011 President’s Letter

Winter seemed to end abruptly this year, on Sunday, February 13, when temperatures rose into the 40's. Shortly thereafter, amid much snowmelt, the 2011 outdoor bicycling season began for many local cyclists. They — and their mud-spattered bicycles — could be seen along area roadways shortly after ice melted off the tarmac.

Although we're likely to experience some weather setbacks now and again in our march towards summer, it does seem as though we've finally broken the back and the neck of this thing. The days are longer; the sun manages to peek out most days. We're well on the way to warmer weather.

So, the good thing is that we'll be able to ride outdoors, on dry roads again. But we need to temper our enthusiasm with a dose of reality. Auto drivers haven't seen cyclists out in numbers since late last fall. They need to adjust their perceptions and realize they have to accommodate the bicycling community. This is a process that can take a while.

So, be extra vigilant out there as you undertake your initial spring rides. Make sure drivers see you. Wear bright clothing; heed traffic laws; make eye contact with auto drivers at stop signs and stoplights before proceeding through intersections. Make it easy for them. Don't forget, even if we're completely in the right in the event of a collision, the biker gets the worst of it 100% of the time.

Pothole Patrol

Early spring is the time of year when potholes and other hazards are rife on the roadway. If you encounter such obstacles, do your duty as a citizen and file a report with the jurisdictional road authority. Because of funding cutbacks, road commissions no longer have the budget to send crews around looking for structural defects. They depend largely on citizen input to identify problems. Road Safety Director Paul Selden has gone to great effort to set up a list of those contacts. It can be found on the KBC website under "Road Hazard Reporting" in the Navigation box on the home page. See a hazard? Report it!

Friend of Bicycling Award

On February 10, it was my pleasure to ride the wave of work accomplished by the KBC Awards Committee — Paul Selden, Terry O'Connor, and Kathy Kirk — and grant the club's first Friend of Bicycling Award to the Friends of the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail. This group has been advocating for the KRVT since 1991, and recently helped complete what could be considered the centerpiece of their efforts so far; the 8.5 mile stretch that travels north from downtown Kalamazoo, through Parchment, Markin Glen Park, and the Nature Center.

Those who have ridden this stretch of the KRVT are lavish with their praise; it is widely considered to be a stellar addition to the trail. I've put it on my list of things-to-do early this season. You should too.

Although KBC is mostly a road-riding club, it is important to remember that the vast majority of bicyclists in this region may not wish to ride in large groups on the road. Instead, many seek out venues that accommodate their desire to commune with nature at their own pace, and to not compete with cars on a road. Because KBC's mission statement declares that the club supports efforts that encourage bicycling activity in the community, the Friends of the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail organization was a most worthy recipient of our inaugural Friend of Bicycling Award.

You can nominate an individual or entity for the next Friend of Bicycling Award by contacting any member of the Awards Committee.

Michigan Bicycle Summit Presentation

The annual Michigan Bicycle Summit in Lansing is being held this year on Saturday, March 26. I've never been to one. But, as it turns out, I'm on the schedule to give a brief presentation and PowerPoint slideshow on Bike Camp. Does anyone else want to come along and spend the day immersed in Michigan bike summitry? Cost to attend is $45. Let me know, and we can set up a car pool.

Information about the Bicycle Summit is available here: http://www.lmb.org:80/index.php/Blog/2011-michigan-bicycle-summit.html


We would like to thank Brian Gonda for stepping up to volunteer to staff the club's Public Relations chair position. Brian owns a video production company and is also the production coordinator at the Public Media Network. His son, Dylan, is interested in getting involved in bike racing.

Brian has also shown himself to be a man of action! Within a couple of hours of volunteering to coordinate KBC's PR, he scrambled to send a videographer, Alysia Caringi, to record the Friend of Bicycling Award presentation at the Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds on February 10. Ms. Caringi got some sound bites from me and from Toni Thompson, chair of the Friends of the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail, along with shots of the actual award. The segment will be included in a story that will be aired on Channel 21, during the Public Media Network's March show.

Finally, it is said that all good things must eventually come to an end, and so it is with the service of Teri Olbrot and Janet DeZwaan as KBC's Social Directors. They have done a superb job of putting together the club's parties and events over the past several years. But they're stepping down, and now the club is seeking a volunteer (or two — this position seems to work well with a tandem team) to be the new Social Directors. Please get in touch with Teri or Janet (contact information for both is on the KBC website), or me, if you'd like to help out.

Be safe out there, and represent the sport of bicycling well while you ride!

Zolton Cohen, KBC President

Next KBC Monthly Meeting - March 8th 2011

The next KBC Monthly Meeting will take place at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, March 8th 2011 at the Kalamazoo YMCA on Maple Street. All KBC members are welcome to attend.

KBC Ride Season to Begin on March 14th 2011

The KBC ride season will begin on Monday, March 14 and will begin at 5:30 P.M. of those willing to brave the elements. As in past years, the ride season will really get going in April and these rides will begin at 6:00 P.M.

KBC 2011 Friend of Bicycling Presentation

On Thursday, February 10, 2011 at the Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds, KBC President Zolton Cohen presented the 2011 Friend of Bicycling award to the Friends of the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail. This award was given to this organization for the efforts during 2010 developing the Kalamazoo Valley River Trail, which, as Zolton stated, "significantly advanced the interests of bicycling in the region." Shown below from left to right, Paul Banner, Richard Holcomb, Jim Curry, Lawrence Renuart, David Rachowicz (behind), Toni Thompson (President of the Friends of the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail), Kyle Lewis (behind) Zolton Cohen, Larry Stehouwer, and Nicole Cekola.

2011 Friend of Bicycling Presentation

Hit and Run!—Part 3

By Paul Selden, Director of Road Safety, KBC

Part 3 — The Legal Proceedings

I was hit by a drunk driver while riding my road bike on D Avenue this past July. Thanks to a civic-minded motorist's prompt 911 call, she was arrested. My insurance company sent me a check that paid for my almost-new carbon fiber bike, less the deductible.

In this final installment I'll describe the legal side of the process and update you on how the insurance angle played out. On that score, a twist occurred that I wasn't expecting, showing that it really pays to be a KBC member! Hopefully, you can benefit from what I went through. If you read nothing else in this article, you must read what Joe Kucharski, KBC's former insurance coordinator, advised me to do.

The accident happened on July 17. Within several days, I got my first real glimpse of the legal system's wheels in motion. I received a letter from the Prosecuting Attorney's office stating the defendant's charges in all caps: "OPERATING — LICENSE SUSPENDED, REVOKED, DENIED" and "OPERATING WHILE INTOXICATED." The letter expressed regret that I had become the "unfortunate victim of a crime," signed by someone whose title was "Victim Advocate." I had no idea that such a position even existed; I had an ally! I was pleased to know that I would not have to go through legal system alone and proud of our county for sponsoring such support.

I called my advocate to ask why the defendant had not been charged with hit and run. She explained that the prosecutor's office was pursuing the felony charges instead; they carry much stiffer penalties. I was surprised to learn that a hit and run is "only" a misdemeanor. Prior to this my only real exposure to the justice system was an occasional speeding ticket and jury summons. I felt the part that affected me the most — being hit — was somehow being downplayed. But that's the way it is.

The letter from the prosecutor's office included a "Victim Impact Statement." This form provided space to describe such things as my personal reaction, physical or emotional injury, property loss, and even my thoughts on sentencing. I completed the form and returned it with copies of my insurance company documentation to substantiate my claims for the full replacement cost, if it became necessary, as time wore on.

Judicial steps with formal sounding names progressed slowly. A Preliminary Examination was set for July 29, where an assistant prosecuting attorney and the defendant's lawyer would discuss the case before a judge. At this meeting, the court would decide whether sufficient grounds existed to continue prosecuting the case. I could attend or not at my own discretion. I didn't need to appear at the next step, the so-called Pretrial Hearing, originally scheduled for mid-August and then postponed until August 23. An assistant prosecutor called to hear my side of the story. He did a great job getting the facts during an informal, friendly conversation. In fact, he was thinking about getting into triathlons; we had a great time talking about bikes. He explained that at the Pretrial Hearing he expected the defense attorney to plea bargain. He thought that the defendant would plead guilty to the charge of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated (her third offense), in exchange for less time behind bars and full restitution.

The defendant pled guilty and was convicted. The attorneys worked out the specific sentencing agreement with the judge. Actual sentencing was set for October 11 in the Kalamazoo County Courthouse before Gary C. Giguere, Jr. I spoke at her sentencing; wanting her to put a face to the person she could have killed.

In court, I didn't rant or rave. I did ask the judge whether he would like to examine my bike's bent rear skewer, so he could get a sense of how narrowly I escaped serious injury or worse. I passed it to the defendant, who handed it to the judge. The essence of the comment I made was that, although I could forgive an "accident," that this was not in fact a true accident in the sense that it lacked intention. I looked at the defendant and told her that she made a decision to drive in spite of not having a license, and that she made a decision to drive when she was under the influence. I forgave her, but said she needed to think about the people she hurt by her actions that day, especially her children and family. I said that I sincerely wanted her to get well, and hoped that she use this episode to help other people overcome their addictions.

At the end of sentencing the first of several weird twists occurred.

Just before the session was over, the defense attorney said he was going to file a motion to protest the amount of restitution awarded. This was apparently the defendant's right, even though her attorney had agreed to her plea agreement almost two months earlier. I didn't understand how she could change the agreement that led to her lighter sentence. But again, that's the way it is. The Kalamazoo Gazette printed her sentence on October 14. It included 90 days in the county jail, five years probation, community service, a fine, restitution, and court costs.

The next communication I received wasn't weird, but it was very interesting. A few days after the sentencing I received a letter from the prosecutor's office detailing her full penalties. It included a form I could fill out if I wanted to know whether the defendant's probation was revoked and she was sentenced to prison. There were also instructions on how to garnish the defendant's Michigan income tax refunds if she failed to pay restitution. The arm of the law has a long reach!

The next really unexpected thing to occur is that I received a letter from the defendant. The return address was the county jail. It included a picture of her children and an apology for having hit me. She asked me to correspond with her following her release, if I felt comfortable doing so. I had no idea how she obtained my home address. I thought the whole thing was odd, but wondered if this might be part of some rehabilitation program. One hundred percent of my friends and family said I should not reply to her. I contacted my victim advocate. She told me that the defendant was not supposed to contact me directly, that all such communications were supposed to go through her probation officer. She counseled me not to reply. Instead, I sent a reply to my victim advocate saying that, while I appreciated the defendant's gesture, under the circumstances I didn't think it was advisable to communicate further.

During the first week of November I received a letter stating that a Post Sentencing Hearing would take place in mid-December. This hearing was about the restitution issue. The defendant didn't want to pay for the full replacement value of my bike even though back in August she had agreed to do so as part of her plea bargain (since I hadn't needed to replace it yet). I received a subpoena to testify.

An unexpected event occurred next. After reading Part 2 of this series Joe Kucharski, KBC's former insurance coordinator, contacted me with invaluable advice about how to pursue my insurance claim. He said that if the defendant's vehicle was insured, I could have filed a claim with her company, not mine. As things stood, since I'd already filed with my company, the claim could affect my standing with it. (I only wish I'd heard the same advice from my company, first!) I immediately called my agent. It turned out that the defendant's vehicle was indeed insured. Wheels were put into motion for the claim to be "subrogated." That is, my insurance firm would be reimbursed by the defendant's firm without waiting for monthly payments through the court system. Plus, I might receive my deductible right away. (Thank you again, Joe!)

The subrogation process put a wrinkle into the defendant's protest of restitution. Her (or was it now my?) hearing was postponed until January 26, 2011.

But the last shoe had not fallen—not by a long shot. The craziest twist is that, coincident with the behind-the-scenes subrogation talks, I got my annual renewal notice from my insurance company. Not wanting to embarrass my insurance company (which I retained) with outrageous specifics, I will just say that my cost for renewal went through the roof. The renewal invoice would have made for eye-opening headline news!

The drawn-out saga wrapped up in rapid succession shortly after the New Year. The defendant's insurance company repaid my insurance company. I received a check for my entire deductible. My assistant prosecuting attorney said the judge would not be likely to award me the balance outstanding (about $1,100) for a completely new replacement bike since I hadn't yet purchased one. So, I decided to drop the restitution hearing. Finally, my insurance company reduced my property insurance rate to an affordable one by increasing my deductible and lowering the amount of coverage.

If you've read this far your brain is probably on overload with too many dates and too much legalese already, so I'll sum up some of my personal lessons I learned from the legal process quickly. What applies to you may vary given your particulars, if you find yourself in a similar situation. Consult with an attorney and other relevant professionals to get the advice you need.

First, I'd strongly suggest consulting an attorney that handles this type of matters, right from the start. In my case the cost/benefit ratio in terms of reducing aggravation and getting better direction would have been worth it.

Second, make sure you find out the implications of submitting a claim to your insurance firm before you file. I'm told that your claim goes into a database accessible by other firms. I'm also told that more recently, insurance companies have become much more likely to raise your rates or drop you than in the past, if you submit what they consider to be excessive claims. In the past it didn't make sense to me, to have insurance if I couldn't use it for a covered problem. Now to avoid even higher premiums I'm treating my insurance more like a catastrophic policy than one to use for costs I can afford to absorb. If I can't use it for claims of less than $1,000 without it affecting my rates, as an example, it makes sense (to me) to increase my deductible to that amount, and reduce the premiums.

Third, be prepared for things to take time as they work their way through the legal system. Postponements seem to occur fairly often, too. In my (very small) case, about six months elapsed from the time of the accident to the time things worked their way through the system.

Fourth, if you are the victim of a crime in Kalamazoo County I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the support you receive from the various people and departments involved. Calls I made to the various assistant prosecutors (my case was handed off at various stages) were returned and handled professionally &emdash; and most surprisingly Ð with a personal tone of care and concern I could feel over the phone.

Fifth, try to turn a negative situation into a positive one if you can. I personally chose to use the anger and other emotions I felt into a positive motivation to work on causes I feel good about, such as improved road safety for bicyclists. I also now firmly believe that consumers could be better informed about how to make insurance-related decisions.

I hope this series has provided you with some useful information and that all your bike rides finish safely! Looking forward to seeing you on the road and trail this spring!

Postscript: I debated whether to print the defendant's name in this series. While reserving my right to do so, I am withholding her name at this time as a courtesy to her young children and family. I also left out the names of staff in the prosecutor's office, believing that their identities would be better left withheld. I cannot thank these individuals enough, however, for their genuine courtesy and professionalism.

Monthly Meeting Minutes

The monthly KBC general club meeting was called to order by Zolton Cohen at 7:02 P.M. on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at the YMCA on Maple Street in Kalamazoo. Also attending were Rick Whaley, Bob Randall, Joe Yaeger, Dylan Gonda, Brian Gonda, Paul Selden, Mike Krischer, Tom Noverr, Jon Ballema, David Jones, and Mike Boersma.

Zolton reported that Tom Keizer was unable to attend the meeting, but that he also provided Zolton with the Treasurer's Report. In January, there was $78 in income and $75 in expenses, and that there was $5,075 in KBC's checking account and $11,084 in KBC's CD. In 2010, KBC's income was $15,680 and expenses were $16,908 for a net loss of $1,228.

Tom N. requested that he be approved as a sanctioned ride leader. His request was approved, as well as similar requests from Bob and Joe.

Paul discussed the Friends of Bicycling Award. Zolton will present Toni Thompson, the President of the Friends of the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail, a plaque on Thursday, February 10, and Zolton put out a news release about this to local news outlets. Zolton thanked Paul and the other members of the Awards Committee for their work.

Zolton reported that he attended a meeting concerning the BTR bicycle race. The race will be held on Saturday, July 16, 2011. There will also be a road race in Lawton the next day that is unrelated to the BTR race, but Jon noted that the BTR race organization will work with the organizers of the Lawton race.

Paul and Zolton then talked about promoting the BTR race. Paul noted that we should resurrect our PR Committee for this activity, among others, and Zolton noted that WMU would like to see a good spectator turn-out for this race. He also noted that the food service at the race will be upgraded. Joe thought that it would be good to have more vendors at the race.

The 2011 Bike Camp was discussed next. Mike B. would like to invite local celebrities to Bike Camp and show the public that KBC is not just a group of hard-core bicycle riders and that we are also a family oriented club. Mike B. will work on a group of people to contact.

Mike B. noted that KBC should compensate Teri and John Olbrot for cleaning their house after the Recovery Party, noting that KBC has done this for Recovery Party hosts in the past. Zolton indicated that KBC will do this. Zolton also thanked Jon for the beer that he provided and Jon will provide more information about the beer that was served at the party to those who are interested.

Zolton then discussed funding request proposals. He noted that KBC worked on this in 2009 and that we produced a draft funding form. He would like to work on this further and he will put a notice in the March Pedal Press asking for volunteers to work on guidelines for KBC's funding process.

Paul gave the road safety report. He talked with Fred Nagler, the Assistant City Engineer, City of Kalamazoo and corresponded with Steve Stepek, the Senior Transportation Planner, Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study about road projects. He obtained a map of Kalamazoo County that shows the roads the KBC most commonly uses for our club rides and the roads as have been proposed as non-motorized facilities. He also obtained a list of roads scheduled for improvement in Kalamazoo during 2011, the most noteworthy being on Douglas Avenue and Angling Road. In Portage, the southern part of Oakland Drive is also scheduled for repair. (Editor's Note: Yay!)

In miscellaneous business, Rick asked if KBC had identified new Social Directors for the club, as Teri and Janet DeZwaan have retired from the position. Zolton stated that he will advertise for replacements. Jon noted that the club has paid for the license for the KBC Race Team in the past and that the Race Team will soon be requesting that the club do so in 2011. Paul noted that Steve Stepak would be willing to talk to the club at a future Monthly Meeting, but Zolton suggested that we table this for now.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 P.M.

Rick Whaley for Bill Figeley, KBC Secretary


The electronically-distributed KBC Pedal Press comes out on or around the first of each month.

If you have an article or a notice that you want to go into the PedalPress, please email it to the newsletter editor, editor@kalamazoobicycleclub.org by the 20th of the month before its intended publication.

For example, if you'd like an article to be published in the April edition (distributed on or around the first of April), have it to the newsletter editor by the 20th of March.

KBC Statistics

Active subscriptions: 258

New members:
Anthony Reed · Shane Thompson · Jeremy VanSpronsen

March Expiring memberships:
Brian & Tammy Campbell · Susan Creager · Harry Kraus · Dale & Ruth Krueger · John Mathieson · Michael Miller · Kimberly Moss · Tony Trumblee · Victor Van Fleet · Allyn VanDyk

Renewed memberships:
Charles Devries · Kristopher Ouvry · Paul & Michele Wells Family · Carl Clatterbuck Family · Bob Paksi · Daniel Victor · Marc Irwin · Jon Ballema · James Murray · Kathleen Kroll · Tyson Gilmore · Paul Selden Family · Michael Vandeveer · Anne Gentz

Paul Bruneau, KBC Database Manager

Editor’s Letter – Taunting Alberto and Other Cycling Strategies that get me through the Winter

While I'm not the keenest observer of the bicycle racing scene, something I've noticed that's rather refreshing about bicycle racers is that they don't spend much time belittling their competitors. Perhaps, it's because it appears to be difficult to talk at all, let alone to talk trash, after winning a race. Or it could be that a rider realizes that if his ego becomes too big for the peloton, he'll eventually suffer the payback that will be dealt by the terrain, the weather, and the rebellion of one's own body against the effort that is required during a race. A byproduct of a sport that embraces suffering is some measure of humility.

However, that certainly isn't the case for me, when I enter my stationary trainer bicycle riding fantasy world. This winter, I've been incorporating more interval training; usually two minutes of hard riding after a few minutes of warm-up, followed by two minute of easy riding, and repeated ad nauseum, where ad nauseum is defined as the period of time between 25 and 45 minutes. So, how do I gear myself up, after literally gearing myself up, to put in a strong effort two minutes at a time? Why, by telling myself how wonderful I am, of course, and by belittling my imaginary competitors.

First, I describe myself in the third person, incorporating phrases such as "The Man," "wild stallion," "he's grinding it out," and "he's ripping his guts out," sometimes all in one sentence, when I'm really on top of my game. Then, not content with these somewhat cryptic forms of self-flattery, I then begin to denigrate those imaginary cycling also-rans, whose cycling efforts pale in comparison to my own. "Come on, Alberto," I'll shout to the heavens in my finest Old Spice body wash voice; the heavens in this case being defined as the ceiling of my basement, as we ride up the legendary Alpe D'Huez, made even more legendary by its imaginary 30% grade. "Is that all you've got??!! Stop blubbering like a little girl and ride like a man, like the wild stallion that I am!" (As you can see, I don't stray very far from my theme.) "What's this, Andy, pretending to drop your chain again??!!! Your heart is as tiny as your teeny-weeny country!" "Vinokourov, you cheater, you couldn't ride in my slipstream, even if your hematocrit level was 90%!" Oh, yes, when I'm using my stationary trainer, all the world's a stage, and I'm the best actor, supporting actor, director, producer, and screenwriter, all rolled into one giant package of bicycle riding excellence; at least that's what I tell myself.

And then, there's my finish line poses. When I'm actually riding a bicycle in real life, i.e., outdoors and on the street, I don't dare take my hands off the handlebars for too long; a tightrope walker's sense of balance is not one of my most pre-eminent physical traits. But with the axle of my rear wheel held securely in my stationary trainer, I can ride no-handed for as long as I like; allowing me to bust all sorts of impressive finish line moves.

There's my palm punching, Atlas holding up the world move, where I'm not just celebrating yet another imaginary victory, I'm representing Kalamazoo and the state of Michigan. ("Michigan cyclists, winter's unrideable, frozen fierce, our bikes are on blocks. K'zoo represent, now put your hands up. Oh oh, oh oh — oho, oho, oho.") And be sure to thank Katy Perry and me when you find this tune imbedded in your brain during a Wednesday night ride this year.

Then, there's my Motown backup singers move, where I twirl my index fingers around each other in a circle, followed by a right index finger thrust, followed by some more twirling, and then followed by a left index finger thrust; the sort of move that not only asks for, but demands just a little respect. This is closely related to my Saturday Night Fever move, where I thrust my right index finger in the air, while simultaneously thrusting my left index finger towards the ground and pumping both my shoulders and arms; a move that is even more pleasing to the eye than it sounds.

I've also added my Lance Armstrong move to my repertoire, where I pretend to take a miniature football out of my jersey pocket and spike it, while flashing a "Hook 'em Horns" sign with my other hand, in honor of Armstrong's adopted hometown of Austin, Texas. Admit it; you would have loved to have seen Armstrong spike a football as he rolled across the finish line after one of his Tour de France stage victories.

But my favorite finishing line move is when I clasp my hands behind my head with my elbows spread out, as though I'm lying in a hammock. This move works particularly well during my two minutes of easy riding, while I wait for Alberto, Andy, and all those other cycling slackers to finally catch up with me, so I can hand them imaginary tissues to dab at their weak little teary eyes, before I start to unmercifully taunt them again. Life is good in my imaginary cycling world.

But, I'll soon be back in the real cycling world, since the 2011 KBC riding season starts later this month, and I have a feeling that my real cycling world might not be quite as pleasant. It's always an anticipated, but still somewhat rude awakening to see the amount of conditioning I've lost, despite my efforts to keep somewhat in shape and somewhat entertained during a winter of stationary trainer riding. So, as always, it will take some time to get myself into good shape. But if you ever see me show up for a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday night ride with a miniature football tucked into the pocket of my white leisure suit, you'll know that I'm finally ready. Let the 2011 riding season begin.

Rick Whaley, KBC Newsletter Editor

Some Upcoming Area Rides of Interest

Sunday, March 27. Fisk Knob Time Trial. Fisk Knob (Kent) County Park. 28 km (17.3 mile) time trial. http://www.fusioncycling.org/FiskKnobTT/2011RaceInformation/tabid/1859/Default.aspx.

Wednesday through Sunday, August 31 Ð September 4. 41st Annual Dick Allen Lansing to Mackinaw (DALMAC) Bicycle Tour. Five rides over 4 or 5 days, ranging from 283 to 402 miles. Registration has begun and all rides except for the Quad Century fill up quickly. www.DALMAC.org.

Classified Ads

NEW: For Sale – Bike Trainer — Giant Cyclotron Auto II - $189 — Like new — $239.99 retail. Progressive magnetic resistance automatically adjusts over wide range. Precision turned 2" aluminum roller and 1500g (3.3lbs) flywheel. Quick release skewer included. E-mail: careeratpmi@aol.com.

For Sale – Girls Trek MT-60 (mineral blue) in excellent condition, bought new in May 2007, adjustable for a 5 year-old up to 9 year-old, 6-speed with front and rear grip shift hand brakes, also has front shocks. Our daughter outgrew it and is now in an adult size mountain bike. Owner's manual and matching helmet included, photos available upon request. $125. Please contact Stephanie Sabin at (269) 350-6225 or sabinsms@gmail.com

Kestrel 200 SC road bike with Shimano DuraAce components and EMS composite forks. Campagnolo Omega wheels. White in color, good condition. Not sure how old it is (probably 1990s), but I bought it used in around 2000 and used it for about 15 Olympic distance triathlons, plus about 200 miles per year. Not sure what size it is, but it stands 32 inches high at the top tube. Asking price is $600, but will consider any offer. E-mail Rob at rkengis@hotmail.comor call 269-664-6489.

I am looking for a used carbon fiber bike. Contact Maggie Miller at maggiemiller@rocketmail.com.

Cannondale Ironman 2000 (model year 2003) time trial bike. Size 56 with the CAAD5 Aero frame. Components are Ultegra and Dura-Ace with Spinergy Xaero Lite 650 wheels. Additional race accessories include Zipp 800 full disk rear and Zipp 400 front with new tubular tires. Extra sets of tires included. $1,500 for full setup. Will also consider selling without Zipp racing wheelset. Call 806-7164 or contact Kellam.glen@yahoo.com.

Shop Notes

Alfred E Bike

320 East Michigan, Kalamazoo, (269) 349–9423

Billy's Bike Shop

63 East Battle Creek Street, Galesburg, (269) 665–5202 www.billysbikeshop.com

Breakaway Bicycles

185 Romence at Westnedge, Portage, (269) 324–5555,

Custer Cyclery

104 North Augusta, Augusta, (269) 731–3492

Gazelle Sports

214 South Kalamazoo Mall, Kalamazoo, (269) 342–5996,
Visit the training page at GazelleSports.com for information on our training programs. Choose from 5k, 10k, 1/2 marathon, full marathon or triathlon training. We'll get you on your way!


611 W Michigan Avenue, Kalamazo, (269) 56–PEDAL
info@pedalbicycle.com andwww.pedalbicycle.com

Team Active

22 W Michigan, Battle Creek, 1–800–841–9494

Village Cyclery

US 131 in Schoolcraft, 679–4242

Zoo City Cycle & Sports

4328 South Westnedge, Kalamazoo (269) 552–3000

Bicycling Safety Disclaimer

Important: Riding a bicycle is an inherently dangerous activity. There are risks of injury or death. You could ride over something and fall, or get hit by an automobile or strike or be struck by another bicyclist. There are many other dangers to bicycling as well.

While nothing can eliminate all risks associating with bicycle riding, to minimize the danger, make sure you and your bicycle are in good riding condition. Know the rules of the road and also of the group you're riding with, and ride in a manner consistent with the protocols of that group. Always wear a bike helmet, use bike lights if riding in the dawn, dusk or dark, and consider purchasing and riding with additional safety equipment such as reflectors and rear view mirrors.

KBC Contact Information

KBC Officers

President Zolton Cohen
Vice President Doug Kirk
Secretary Bill Figeley
Treasurer Tom Keizer 269–382–4737

Other Important KBC Folks

Database Manager Paul Bruneau 269–343–6016
Newsletter Editor Rick Whaley 269–324–1577
Media Relations
Ride Captain Bill Figeley
Social Director Janet DeZwaan
Social Director Teri Olbrot
Safety and Education Chair Victor VanFleet 269–375–7691
Director of Road Safety Paul Selden
Web Site David Jones

KAL Tour

Director Michael Krischer
Director "Super" Dave Bishop 269–679–4522