June 2011 President’s Letter
Report from Bike Camp 2011
As I write this, on May 14, 2011, I just returned from the first Saturday session of KBC's Bike Camp 2011 at the Portage YMCA. From a bike riding perspective it wouldn't have been considered the best of days. After a hard downpour last night, the rain continued on and off throughout the morning. Every one of our Bike Campers and all our volunteers got wet to at least some degree.
You know what though? It didn't matter.
As we've done in the past at the Tuesday evening orientation meeting, we divided the 31 Campers who signed up this year into three groups. We asked the groups to arrive at half hour intervals in order to not overwhelm our crew of bike mechanics and fitters who, on the first Saturday of Bike Camp, make adjustments to the Campers' bikes.
After being bike fit, Bike Camp Committee volunteers went over the nuances of proper helmet fitting and then put the riders through a bike handling skills course in the parking lot. After each group completed those drills they went out for a ride. And the rains came...
But you should have seen the beaming faces of each and every one of those riders as they arrived back at the parking lot! Bedraggled from the rain, hair hanging in strands on their cheeks, shins splattered with mud and road dirt – and rosy-cheeked and smiling.
I'll tell you true: Bike Camp is the most soul-satisfying activity in which I've ever been involved. Being able to pass on your enthusiasm and passion for something you love is about as good as it gets. And we've got an unusually cheery and good-natured crew this year – volunteers and Campers alike – which makes the entire experience even more enjoyable. It was wonderful to hear the post-ride laughter and excited chatter this morning as everyone dug into grapes, bananas, trail mix, and energy bars in the shelter of the YMCA auxiliary building.
I am grateful and humbled to be among the group who has put on Bike Camp these past six years. It is a major commitment to be sure, for every one of us. The Bike Camp Committee of Renee Mitchell, Chair; Paul Bruneau; David Jones; Ed Micalizzi; and Peggy Marcelletti put in a lot of hours not only planning Bike Camp but also administering it. But we find it well worth the effort.
I'd also like to publicly thank our intrepid cadre of bike fitters this year: KBC Vice President Doug Kirk; Richard Neumann from Breakaway Bicycles: Tim Krone from the new Pedal bicycle shop; Jon Ballema and Joe Yeager from the KBC/CMS Race Team; and Bob Lynch, recently returned from Germany. Their personal attention and one-on-one interaction are one of the highlights singled out each year by the Bike Campers in our exit surveys.
Bike Camp, of course, could not continue without countless other volunteers from the club at large. Some have helped us out faithfully for years. Others are former Bike Campers who now have the experience to be able to pass on some of their accumulated wisdom to those new to the sport. Though too numerous to mention individually, the club is in your debt.
As President of the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club I'm very proud to be associated with the unselfish and energetic people who so nobly work to fulfill the club's mission statement by putting on Bike Camp.
Grant Review Committee Hard at Work
KBC put out the call several months ago to solicit volunteers to staff a committee with a most important task: deciding where, how, and when to fund projects with the club's money. Rick Whaley, David Jones, Jeff Newman, Dale Krueger and Celine Keizer all stepped up to take on this important mission. Along with the Executive Board of Tom Keizer, Treasurer; Bill Figeley, Secretary; Doug Kirk, Vice President; and Zolton Cohen, President, they comprise the KBC Grant Review Committee.
The impetus behind forming this committee and process was the desire to be able to more fairly and deliberately assess funding requests, and also to be able to track the results of the grants.
The Grant Review Committee started off by developing grant application and follow-up forms that appear on the KBC website. Individuals or organizations wishing to pursue funding for their cycling-related projects can download the forms and submit them electronically for consideration.
After receipt of an application, the Grant Review Committee confers and debates via e-mail about whether a project is worthy of club funding. Applications submitted by the first of each month are decided on by the next monthly club meeting.
This is a new process for the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club. We're trying it in this form for a year to see how it works, but may revise the methodology after evaluating whether or not it succeeds as intended. Thus far it seems reasonably workable, and the committee's first action was to grant $400 to the new Lawton Priority Health Race for Wishes bike race, to be held on July 17.
Thanks to the Grant Review Committee members who have already given of their time to work though the process of putting this new protocol into place. And future thanks for their continued involvement as we move forward. . .
Zolton Cohen, KBC President