President Zolton Cohen called the December 13, 2011 meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Thanks were expressed for the large box of wonderful baked goods from the Victorian Bakery that were provided for the meeting. Introductions were made, and those in attendance were: Mike Boersma, Kathy Kirk, Dale Krueger, Terry O'Connor, Michael Vandeveer, Emmett Paul, John Olbrot, Rick Whaley, Paul Selden, Michael Krischer, Zolton Cohen, Doug Kirk, Jon Ballema, Mary Gerger, Tom Keizer, Celine Keizer, David Jones and Mike Mock.
Zolton was happy to announce that KBC member David Jones is the new Region 7 representative to the League of Michigan Bicyclists (LMB).
Zolton called for Officers' Reports:
The Treasurer's Report was given by John Olbrot, who stated that there was "not much activity to report this month."
- Checking Account: $6,035.10
- Savings Account: 0.00
- CD: 11,106.45
- Expenses: 114.26
Director of Road Safety Paul Selden reported that he had met with three city planners, focusing on Kalamazoo County becoming a more "Bike Friendly Community." Discussions centered around the master plan for the entire county and what the different municipalities and departments would be doing to accomplish this. Everyone Paul spoke with affirmed their commitment to make this happen. There were thirteen objectives that have been identified. One objective is resolving the ongoing issue of who is actually responsible for maintaining the shoulders of roads and is one that the KBC has been very involved with. Bike Route planning was also discussed during these meetings, as was the posting of copies of old ride maps for community review. Paul explained that there are four entities involved with all of this: Kalamazoo, Portage, Kalamazoo County, and MDOT. Zolton asked a question about providing old KBC ride maps. Paul said that providing ride maps to these departments could help with how some road funds are dispensed and the scheduling of road maintenance. Another "spoken and unspoken goal" that was discussed was that of posting Bike Route signs. It is not known what will happen when those routes went into neighboring counties as part of the route. It is exciting to Paul that we, as bicyclists, fall under the category of "Non-motorized traffic." All of these things are linked into the "Complete Streets Initiative."
More discussion was held about the posting of favorite bike routes for club members, recreational bicyclists, commuters, etc. The suggestion was made to put out a general call for people to get involved and provide their favorite routes. Doug Kirk suggested an article to be published in the Kalamazoo Gazette.
Zolton asked for an update of the January 28th Recovery Party preparations. John stated that "things were coming along" and asked members to bring a dish to pass. It was noted that the KBC Recovery Party will have high visibility in the Pedal Press this year, as well as follow-up with e-vites through Yahoo, and event invites through Facebook.
A status report on the PR Committee was given by Zolton. No volunteer has stepped forward to lead the committee. Paul and Zolton are handling it for now, and the event list is already started for 2012. The need for PR right now is very minimal, but will begin to increase. The December 13, 2011 KBC meeting was posted in the Upcoming Events/Community Calendar section of the Kalamazoo Gazette.
A vote for the 2012 "Friend of Bicycling Award" was called for by Zolton. The nominees for this award were Breakaway Bicycles and Fitness (Portage, MI), the City of Portage, MI, Ron Campbell (Freelance Writer), and the Department of Streets and Equipment, City of Portage, MI. Before the vote was taken, Doug asked about the separation of the two City of Portage nominees. Awards Committee Chair Paul Selden responded that the Awards Committee believed each of their contributions to be unique, and decided to keep them as separate nominations. Treasurer John Olbrot collected and tabulated the ballots from those KBC members present, and announced the Department of Streets and Equipment, City of Portage, MI, as the winner of the 2012 "Friend of Bicycling Award." Zolton requested that a new plaque be ordered, and a date for the presentation of the award (possibly in February) to be set. Paul said that the presentation date was usually based on the availability of the award recipients, and would have to be determined.
By a show of hands, the Executive Board (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) voted to approve the following Board-Appointed Positions:
- Newsletter Editor: Rick Whaley
- Webmaster: David Jones
- Director of Road Safety: Paul Selden
Appointees for the positions of Database Manager and Ride Captain were not present at the meeting and were not voted upon. The position of Social Director remains vacant at this time.
Old Business:
A discussion was held regarding the KBC Constitution. This was in response to a question re: the position of "Director of Road Safety" and the position of Safety/Education Chair. Zolton stated that some of the board-appointed positions are not currently listed in the Constitution. The last time the KBC Constitution had been amended was in 2003. Zolton said the Constitution does need to be updated to include some of the new board-appointed positions. Doug, Mike Boersma, and Zolton will review the Constitution with respect to this matter, and will bring it up for discussion at the next KBC meeting in February. Celine Keizer asked that if revisions were to be made, that the Constitution be revised with some flexibility, allowing for positions to develop. Zolton pointed out the need to define the various positions in the Constitution, with guidelines.
Celine asked about the status of the Grant Committee. A discussion was held indicating that four grants were awarded this year and that the process worked very well. For one entity, the process worked completely, as they filled out the requested follow-up form that the other three did not. Zolton stated that with regards to the Grant Committee, it would be good to revisit and reflect on what worked and what did not. Celine offered to host a meeting to discuss this, at a date and time to be determined.
New Business:
Doug Kirk called for a standing ovation for Pastor Dale Krueger, who rode 80 miles on his 80th. Birthday! Wow! . . . and Congratulations from all of us!
Paul reminded us that there are all kinds of bike riders out there, and wondered about sending out surveys/questionnaires to try and determine the kinds of bike-related things that people were interested in. A lively discussion followed on this particular topic, including how the information would be used, when would be the appropriate time to have people indicate their interests (example: signing up as a new member, with a follow-up at some point, and surveys going out to current members at various times). In response to a concern expressed during this discussion, that people might decide to take their own groups and head off on their own, it was pointed out that among other things the KBC offers, the KBC Insurance would encourage people to stay with the club and not splinter off in a separate direction. A question was asked if this was to be an online survey, a paper survey, or both. Webmaster David Jones said that he would talk to Database Manager Paul Bruneau, about the feasibility of an online survey. Zolton suggested that one of the questions should include asking if the person is interested in working on KBC events. Celine wanted to know, "Who is the current Membership Chair?" Zolton responded that there is no Membership Chair. Paul reminded us all of Victor van Fleet's comments about increasing membership, and pointed out that our Charter states that the KBC is to serve the needs of the Bicycling Community. In order to accomplish this, Paul suggested that perhaps a simple survey now would be appropriate, with a more elaborate survey to follow at a later date. Zolton asked Paul to put together an article for the Pedal Press. He also asked for volunteers to put together a Survey. Thanks were expressed to David, Jon Ballema, and Paul, for agreeing to work on this.
Mike Boersma announced that the dates of the League of American Bicyclists Summit in Washington D.C. will be March 20-22, 2012. It was mentioned that this event and the League of MI Bicyclists (LMB) Summit, are great events to attend. Among other things, participants will learn "Best Practices," and we need to think about entities higher than just the County Government to accomplish our goals of increased funding for road safety and improvements, bicycle safety, bike trails/paths, etc.
Zolton adjourned the meeting at 8:10 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Gerger, KBC Secretary