May 2013 President’s Letter
W Ride - A Straight Shot to Nowhere
I'm writing this month on the day after the Saturday, April 27, 2013 version of the W Ride. If you've ever been on the ride, you know it's the conception of KBC's newsletter editor, Rick Whaley, who not only came up with the idea, but has staffed it entirely by himself from its inception.
Fourteen of us showed up on what turned out to be one of the first reasonable riding days of this unusually cold and wet bike season. After ingesting our ride maps for this straight line course - this year the maps consisted of Tootsie Roll Pops - we set out west on the 48 mile route.
Three hours and 10 or so minutes later we arrived back at the Vicksburg High School parking lot a bit windblown but otherwise not much worse for wear. And we all were happy we had done the ride. What a nice kickoff to the season; it was great to see biking buddies again and to catch up on what they had been doing all winter.
And that is one of the chief reasons we ride our bikes; for the camaraderie inherent in coming together, collaborating and cooperating as a group. This coming summer, there will be many opportunities to experience that sense of the riding community, either on a regular weeknight club ride or on a weekend.
Rides, Rides Everywhere!
Along that line of thought, I'd like to thank the many people who came to the April club meeting and then stayed for the ride leader training session that occurred immediately afterward. I'll confess I was surprised at the turnout - pleasantly so. It seems as though there are a lot of people interested in learning how to lead a ride.
Those in attendance may very well have been surprised to hear how easy it is to come up with an idea for, and to lead, a bicycle ride. The first part is the hardest; just deciding to do it. The rest is little more than showing up consistently and making it fun and safe for those who come out to ride.
Positive results have already sprung from that ride leader training session. Steve Cox has instituted a Friday night dirt road ride in Schoolcraft. Gary and Barb Foster, as you'll read in an another article in this Pedal Press, decided to lead a 13-15 mph, 20-24 mile Wednesday night ride from the Kal-Haven Trailhead on 10th Street. Teri Olbrot has received commitments from several riders, including me, to help lead a 12-14 mph ride on Monday nights starting at Texas Drive Park in Texas Township.
What do you want to see on KBC's ride schedule that doesn't already exist? Or can you act as a stand-in for a ride leader who can't be there on a certain night? Don't be bashful; we know you've got it in you!
Bike Camp is Nigh!
On May 14, the Bike Camp Committee, headed by Education Chair Renee Mitchell, will kick off Bike Camp 2013 with an evening orientation session at KVCC.
Bike Camp is one of the most important ways the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club interacts with the public. The goal is to get more people out riding their bikes safely and efficiently, and along the way Bike Camp helps grow the legions of knowledgeable bikers in the area.
Because it encompasses so many people, Bike Camp wouldn't work without volunteers. Renee has lined up presenters for the informational sessions before each Saturday ride, but what are needed the most are ride "monitors." Ride monitors serve to simply ride along with the various groups, modeling appropriate, safe cycling behavior, answering questions and encouraging beginning riders.
Remember when you were just starting out and could have used a mentor? Ride monitoring is easy and fun; you meet a lot of interesting people and at the same time get a chance to pass on your passion for the sport. What's not to like about that?
Please get in touch with either Renee or me (our contact information is in both this newsletter and on the club website) if you can spare a few Saturday hours in May and June to help us out with this endeavor.
Zolton Cohen, KBC President