April 2015 President's Letter

Things Change

On Wednesday, March 25th, I attended the first part of a Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study policy meeting in order to present KBC's annual Friend of Bicycling Award to KATS. Along with the award, I said a few words about how important our club considers the fact that KATS passed a Complete Streets initiative in the fall of 2014. Complete Streets, of course, is a program that promotes a balance of infrastructure along roadways in order to accommodate not only automobiles, but also non-motorized users.

Kalamazoo's Vice Mayor, David Anderson, is the current chair of KATS, and as we shook hands when I handed the award to him, KBC Director of Road Safety Paul Selden snapped a couple of photos, one of which appears in this issue of the Pedal Press.

This might not seem like an overly momentous occasion. But for me it was. It was, because I have known David Anderson for 60 years, and, in fact, grew up three doors west of him in Kalamazoo's Westwood neighborhood.

We played together as kids, did science experiments, and rode our bikes. In our suburban neighborhood there were sidewalks and quiet residential streets (and things remain that way; I ride past my old house on the way to the Wednesday night ride to check out if anything has changed). It was safe for kids to ride bikes there, mostly because there wasn't a lot of automobile traffic.

In other parts of the city, though, where there were more cars, trucks, and busses using the roads, there was no bicycling infrastructure whatsoever. I never knew anyone who ventured out on major city streets on a bike. There were no bike lanes and certainly no awareness on the part of auto drivers that cyclists might be taking up part of a lane. It just wasn't done.

We've come a long way since then. Cyclists can ride in bike lanes along major thoroughfares like Oakland Drive, Parkview Avenue, Milham Road, and Douglas Avenue. And many of us do, commuting or taking part in group or solo rides. Cyclists are becoming part of the landscape; part of the flow of traffic. Motorists aren't surprised or shocked anymore to see bikes sharing the roadway - though, still, some seem to resent it.

As kids, David Anderson and I could never have imagined that one day he would not only be elected Vice Mayor and chair the leading municipal transportation planning organization in Kalamazoo or that I would be President of the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club.

There is much yet to do, of course, in order to improve the lot of non-motorized users of the area's streets. Change has come slowly; agonizingly slowly. But it has come. And now there is momentum and sound policy, exemplified by the Complete Streets initiative, driving those improvements. It wouldn't, in fact, be too much of a stretch to say that we've even got a bit of a tailwind.

Zolton Cohen, KBC President


Next KBC Monthly Meeting on April 14, 2015

The next KBC Monthly Meeting will take place at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at the Kalamazoo YMCA on Maple Street. All KBC members are welcome to attend.


KBC's 2015 Friend of Bicycling Award

The Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study (KATS) received the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club's 5th annual Friend of Bicycling award during a presentation at the KATS meeting on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at Kalamazoo Metro Transit, 530 North Rose Street.

KBC president Zolton Cohen says, "Each year, our club recognizes an area organization or individual involved in the cause of improving the bicycling experience in the area. This year it gives me great pleasure to present the award to KATS."

Cohen adds, "In September 2014, the Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study (KATS) committee members and staff formally adopted the area's first metropolitan planning organization-wide Complete Streets Policy. Members of the KATS Policy Committee and Technical Committee worked from the beginning of the year to craft a workable policy. One of the main goals of KATS' Complete Streets Policy is to consider the needs of all legal users, including bicyclists, in the planning process for roadway and transit projects when allocating federal transportation funds."

Cohen concludes, "Thanks to KATS, local governments will be able to strengthen our transportation network to meet the needs of all legal users, including bicyclists. We are pleased that KATS worked so diligently to advance this important tool which will benefit the non-motorized public. For those reasons, we designate KATS the recipient of Kalamazoo Bicycle Club's Friend of Bicycling for 2015."

Past recipients of the Friend of Bicycling Award have been the Open Roads Bike Program, Friends of the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail, The City of Portage/ Department of Streets and Equipment, and Breakaway Bicycles and Fitness in Portage.

David Anderson, right, chair of the Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study accepts the 2015 Friend of Bicycling award from KBC President Zolton Cohen. (Photo by Paul Selden.)

Marc Irwin, KBC Director of Public Relations


KBC's Bike Camp 2015

Do you have family and/or friends you'd like to ride with, but you can't seem to convince them to hop on a bike? Are they hesitant to ride on the roadway, because they don't know how? Do they need to know the basics of safe cycling?

If you answered "Yes," encourage them to sign up for KBC's Bike Camp 2015. Bike Camp is a training and informational program targeted toward bicyclists who desire to improve their biking skills, fitness, and knowledge of the sport in a friendly group environment. They will learn how to ride a bike properly, efficiently, and safely on public roads. Bike fitting, fitness goals, nutrition, and maintenance are all covered. Families, adults new to road cycling, and those renewing their interest in the sport would all benefit from Bike Camp.


  • Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 6:30 P.M. - The first session is held at the Greater Kalamazoo Association of Realtors (GKAR) Auditorium located at 5830 Venture Park Drive, Kalamazoo (no equipment needed).

  • Saturdays, May 16 - June 6, 2015 at 8:30 A.M. - Continues with 4 informational and training sessions held at the Portage YMCA, 2900 West Centre Avenue.

  • Sunday, June 28, 2015 - Concludes with participation in KBC's KalTour, the Kalamazoo Scenic Bicycle Tour, which starts at Bronson Athletic Club.


  • $50.00/$60.00 for individuals signing up on or before May 1st/after May 1st.

  • $60.00/$70.00 for families signing up on or before May 1st/after May 1st.

For additional information or to register, go to www.kalamazoobicycleclub.org/club/bikeCamp.php.

If you would like to volunteer at Bike Camp or have questions, please e-mail


Thank you!

KBC's Bike Camp Committee


The 15th Annual W Ride

You've been looking forward all winter to this, just counting the days. And now, it's almost here. Presenting (insert drum roll) the 15th Annual W Ride! The ride will take place on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at the usual time (9:00 A.M.) and at the usual place (the east parking lot of Vicksburg High School).

Since it's an odd numbered year, we'll be doing the W Ride Classic Route, the west-east-west route. From the parking lot, we'll turn right and ride on W Avenue until we reach the Van Buren County line. From there, we'll reorient our bicycles and ride back to Vicksburg, taking the traditional break at a local convenience store, where we'll partake of the finest food and drink that a convenience store has to offer.

Thoroughly replenished, we'll we then take a nap? No! We'll continue our ride west on W Avenue to the Calhoun County line. And will we continue to ride east, eventually attempting to pedal through Lake St. Clair? No! We'll turn around and ride back to Vicksburg! All told, we'll ride 48 miles on the only non-limited access road that travels the complete length of Kalamazoo County. And, as usual, maps will be provided for the directionally challenged.

Rick Whaley will lead the main group of riders, and the speed will be around 15 to 18 mph, depending on who else participates. And there will likely be other groups of riders who will be riding either slower or faster. Do you have what it takes to ride the W Ride? Show up on April 25th and prove it!

Rick Whaley, W Ride Leader


KalTour Time

Even though the temperature is 20 degrees as I write, the days are getting longer, the snow is gone, and the frogs are croaking. So, it's time to start thinking about signing up for KalTour on Sunday June 28, 2015.

Remember that we are not mailing out brochures these days. The best way to sign up for KalTour is through the KalTour page on the KBC web site. There are no extra charges for paying online. For those who prefer not to use online payments, there is also a link to a printable form that can be mailed.

Keep in mind how much of a bargain KalTour is for its participants. Since you are reading this in the Pedal Press, you are certainly a KBC member; therefore, with the $5 member discount for advance registration, signing up for KalTour will cost you only $15 ($30 for a family of up to two adults and children under 18). I might also mention for comparison that the Pumpkin Vine Ride over the border in northern Indiana will cost you $30 and the Apple Cider Century Ride in southwest Michigan will cost $40 if you sign up now.

Life always brings changes, and there will be a few this year. Great Harvest Bread, the source of our bread and sandwiches for the last several years, is no longer in business, so other sources will have to be used. Watch for the announcement of our new supplier! The routes always change slightly from year to year. I can promise the Century riders that the 6th Street Hill will be back on the route. Also I expect that we will indeed be riding in Van Buren County. On the other end of the distance spectrum, the 15 mile route will become a 17 mile route, to enable riders to work up a little more appetite before lunch.

KalTour is the club's major public event and fundraiser, supports our other activities, and allows riders of all ages and abilities to get out on the road. Mark your cycling calendars now for June 28th!

Mark Krischer, KalTour Director


Kalamazoo Bicycle Film Festival

The Kalamazoo Bicycle Film Festival is presenting Bike Shorts on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at Bells Eccentric Cafe. There are two showings, at 6:00 P.M. and at 8:15 P.M. Admission is $5. More information can be found at

Brian Moon

Be an Ambassador for Bicycling in 2015

Big developments are being planned for bicyclists this year. Whether or not the bike friendly ideas make the leap from drawing boards to roads will depend to a large extent on how we present ourselves to the general public as bicyclists.

Here is a quick preview of things to come - and some ideas about what we can do to help ensure that events unfold in our favor.

City of Kalamazoo--Non-Motorized Plan Update

The leadership of the City of Kalamazoo has come to realize that bicycling - and all the benefits that it represents - needs to play a role in the city's economic development. Accordingly, it is going to totally revamp it Non-Motorized Plan, starting with meetings to gather public input (a "charette") that will be held in early May. What you can do: Participate in the charette.

City of Portage--Underscoring its "Brand"

Take a close look at the new logo for the City of Portage. You'll see that a bicyclist is one of the icons in the city's "Natural Place to Move" image. This year, led by a new city manager and a City Council determined to reinforce this successful image of Portage, the city will be reaching out for ideas as to how it can be even more bicycle friendly. What you can do: E-mail your ideas to www.portagemi.gov/Contactus/ContactUsForm.aspx and select the Parks: Bikeways option in the address pull-down.

KATS: Long-Term Non-Motorized Plan Update

This year marks one of the rare times when all the local governments that make up our regional "Metropolitan Planning Organization" set priorities for federal spending on the entire transportation system. Even though the nominal year (2045) in the title of this plan seems like a long way off, priorities set in the plan begin to guide local decisions almost immediately. What you can do: Continue to answer the calls for public input that will be sent out this year.

MDOT: Stadium Drive - West Michigan Avenue Corridor Plans

Earlier this year MDOT held a public charette, gathering input on how to make the entire Stadium Drive - West Michigan Avenue corridor more bike and pedestrian friendly. What is not as well known is that MDOT has not yet turned this general feasibility concept into a tangible project, funded for the next, more formal, planning stage. Whether our local project gets funded at all depends on the public's vigorous written and spoken support (since at this pre-project stage, the general concept is competing against many other potential projects in our region). What you can do: E-mail your continued encouragement for the concept in general, to Jason Latham (MDOT Southwest Michigan Planning Manager) at lathamj@michigan.gov. FYI - specific design ideas to improve the concept will be addressed only after the project is funded - your general and enthusiastic encouragement is what is desperately needed now.

Other Projects and Jurisdictions

Many other projects (such as KVCC's new culinary and health oriented campus downtown, the KRVT downtown connection, and ideas for bike trails in cities like Galesburg and the "south county" townships) are under active construction or are being planned. The state of Michigan has put the question of whether and how to fund a better transportation system in Michigan on its May ballot proposal. What you can do: Vote, and - regardless of how the vote turns out - call your local "Town Hall" to learn how you can participate in your town's planning sessions.

With so many bike-related plans being drawn up in 2015, whether the public-at-large decides to spend its money to implement the plans depends entirely on how John and Jane Q. Public likes or dislikes their town's vision for bicycling. Every little thing that we can do to tip the scales of public opinion our favor can make a critical difference.

In many ways the general public gets its idea of whether it likes - or dislikes - bicyclists from how we interact with the motoring public on every ride. It's up to our ride leaders whether to remind our riders about this on our organized rides.

But in the end, it's going to be up to you whether you choose to ride no more than two abreast, ride close to the edge of the road (when safe), and ride single file so motorists can more easily pass - on every mile of every ride you take.

In short, everything you can do to be good ambassadors for bicycling is going to add up and pay big dividends in 2015, for generations to come. In this very critical year for bicyclists, I hope you decide to become just that representative for good will on behalf of bicyclists everywhere.

Paul Selden, KBC Director of Road Safety


A Place to Donate Your Road Bike

Kalamazoo Youth for Christ is trying to start a cycling program/club for inner city and local youth who can't afford their own bikes. If you have a road bike that you no longer need, donating this to YFC would be a wonderful way to breathe new life into that bike and introduce the joy of cycling to a deserving youth. If you have an unused road bike that you can donate - even if it's not 100% - please call Paul Jennings at (269) 303-2246 or e-mail him at paul@kalamazooyfc.org.

Mike St. Clair


Rules of the Road Reminder

With spring here, we'll soon be dusting off our bikes, greasing our chains, pumping up our tires, checking our brakes, and hitting the roads. It's important to prepare our bikes after the winter months, but it's also important to prepare our minds for a great riding season ahead. Listed below are the League of American Bicyclists five Rules of the Road to remind us all that we are not alone on the roadways. As members of the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club, it's our duty to follow these rules of the road and to set the example of proper bicycling in our communities. These rules help us to become safe and confident cyclists. If you have any questions about these rules, you can check out LAB's website at www.bikeleague.org or e-mail educationchair@kalamazoobicycleclub.org.

League of American Bicyclists - Rules of the Road

The League's five "Rules of the Road" are the core of LAB's Smart Cycling program and will prepare you for a safe and fun bike commute no matter where you are riding.

Follow the Law

Your safety and image of bicyclists depend on you. You have the same rights and duties as drivers. Obey traffic signals and stop signs. Ride with traffic; use the rightmost lane headed in the direction you are going.

Be Predictable

Make your intentions clear to everyone on the road. Ride in a straight line and don't swerve between parked cars. Signal turns, and check behind you well before turning or changing lanes.

Be Conspicuous

Ride where people can see you and wear bright clothing. Use a front white light, red rear light and reflectors when visibility is poor. Make eye contact with others and don't ride on sidewalks.

Think Ahead

Anticipate what drivers, pedestrians, and other people on bikes will do next. Watch for turning vehicles and ride outside the door zone of parked cars. Look out for debris, potholes, and other road hazards. Cross railroad tracks at right angles.

Ride Ready

Check that your tires have sufficient air, brakes are working, chain runs smoothly, and quick release levers are closed. Carry tools and supplies that are appropriate for your ride. Wear a helmet.

(Source: www.bikeleague.org/content/rules-road-0)

Renee Mitchell, KBC Education Chair



Kudos (again!) to Kalamazoo Township leadership and residents for approving a millage that will fund a wide range of projects that will help fix its crumbling roads and make the township even more bike and pedestrian friendly at the same time. Per MLive's interpretation of this local-funding impact, some 300 projects are on their list of improvements, including reconstruction of 51 different stretches of road. Among those are Turwill Lane from West Main Street to Canterbury Avenue, Healy Street from Lake Street to the dead end, and Sunnyside Drive from East Main Street to M-43. Many of the projects include improvements to their non-motorized facilities that were outlined in the Townships recently-approved non-motorized plan, aimed at creating a more livable community.

Paul Selden

March Monthly Meeting Minutes

Attending: Zolton Cohen, John Olbrot, Rick Whaley, David Jones, Gordy Vader, Marc Irwin, Michael Krischer, Terry O'Connor, David Riggs, Renee Mitchell, Paul Selden, Doug Wales, and Mike Boersma.

Welcome and Announcements: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.

Officer reports: John Olbrot reported that the KBC had income of $210.95, expenses of $259.08, a checking account balance of $7509.01, and a CD balance of $11144.93.

Paul Selden reported on road safety, Complete Streets, the new Kalamazoo Township Non-Motorized plan, and his upcoming plans to meet with Portage officials and to work with the community for bicycle safety in 2015. Paul is also the contact person for potholes. Information for reporting potholes can be found on the KBC Facebook page.

Bike Camp Report: Renee Mitchell has brochures for Bike Camp. Online sign up is now available. Renee asked for volunteers. Anyone interested in volunteering may contact Renee.

KalTour Report: Mike Krischer indicated that the website will need to be updated.

Friend of Bicycling Award: The Friend of Bicycling Award will be presented to Jon Start of the Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study (KATS) on March 25th. A news release was issued. (Note: The online Kalamazoo Gazette carried the story about this on March 23rd.)

Ride Leader Sanctioning: The role of the Ride Captain and Ride Leaders was discussed. Action: Gordy Vader and Marc Irwin were sanctioned as 2015 ride leaders.

Tuesday Night Time Trial: Attendance and ideas for increasing attendance at the TNTT was discussed. The Race Team will be running the TNTT in 2015.

Kalamazoo Child Abuse and Neglect Council has announced a bike ride fundraiser.

Old Business: None.

New Business: Rick Whaley noted that The W ride is approaching. The Bells to Bells ride from Comstock to Escanaba was discussed.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 P.M.

Mike Boersma, KBC Secretary



The electronically-distributed KBC Pedal Press comes out on or around the first of each month.

If you have an article or a notice that you want to go into the PedalPress, please e-mail it to the newsletter editor, editor@kalamazoobicycleclub.org by the 20th of the month before its intended publication.

For example, if you'd like an article to be published in the May edition (distributed during the first week of May), have it to the newsletter editor by the 20th of April.


Active Subscriptions:

New members:

Mary Aldrich · Scott Aldrich · Colin Bates · Benjamin Nobis · Cameron Nobis · Maxwell Nobis · Stephanie Nobis · Nicole Obriecht · Jen Ozolins · Mason Rice · Wendy Sosville · Joseph Stoner · Tim Verdies

Expiring memberships:

Benjamin Clark · Gary and Barb Foster · Michael Keenan · Susan Manifold · Michael Miller · R. John Paul Family · Douglas Peot · Timothy A. Stewart

Renewed memberships:

Frank Machnik Family · Joseph & Kara Nuismer · Tom Cross · Marc Irwin · Andrea and Donald Fore · Letitia Anderson Family · Anne Gentz · Nancy Zyzelewski · Jerry and Chris Dahl · Eric Zahrai · Jeff Walburn · Daniel Frazier · Michelle Karpinski · Anne Hoover · Shelly Woertint · Matt Stinson · Kevin Oostema Family

David Jones, KBC Database Manager

Editor's Letter - Let the Forgetting Something Season Do Something

The weather was marginal for bicycle riding on the first day of the KBC riding season. Although it was rather balmy for the second Monday in March, there was still a fair amount of snow on the ground. But, I am not at all choosy when it comes to cycling weather in March. So, I made it a point to show up for the first ride of the season, just to say that I did it, and to add another line to the list of accomplishments to be included in my obituary.

However, what I hadn't anticipated was that, while the roads were clear of snow, the parking lot of Texas Drive Park was still covered by the stuff. I had assumed that it would be plowed, but upon instantaneous reflection, after I failed to recognize the easternmost entrance to the park, why should Texas Township spend money doing this, if the park isn't going to be used during the winter? By the time I reached the next entrance a couple hundred yards later, I had determined that if I wanted to park in the parking lot, I'd have to work for it, which actually meant that my car would have to work for it. And I was going to do this ride, no matter what.

As I made the left turn into the park, I observed that there were numerous tire tracks leading straight towards the playground equipment and restrooms, which was reassuring. However, I needed to turn left again and after I did, I made three more observations. 1) That there were very few tire tracks ahead of me. 2) That the snow was deeper than I thought. 3) That I should bail out now. Of course, while acknowledging numbers 1 and 2, I decided to ignore my third observation, and 20 yards later, my car was stuck in snow. It was 50 degrees and my car was stuck in snow.

Now, if I were a better man, I would have light-heartedly chuckled at the irony of the situation, but I'm stuck with being the man that I am: a man who futilely guns his engine while shifting between drive and reverse, while not-so-light-heartedly commenting upon his intelligence. A couple minutes later, I knew that I now had three options. 1) Wait for the snow to melt, and while I didn't have any food with me, I had a water bottle, so at least I wouldn't die of thirst. 2) Call for a tow and ensure my legendary status among that small fraternity of tow truck operators as The Idiot Who Got Stuck in Snow When It Was Almost Twenty Degrees above Freezing. 3) Depend, Blanche DuBios-like, on the kindness of strangers to help rescue me. After a few minutes, a kind stranger did indeed appear from his Jeep, and with his muscle and my uncanny ability to press on a piece of rubber, we freed the car from its snowy prison. Then I drove back to my house, where I found the common sense that I had forgotten to bring with me, and I did a solo ride.

Two days later, I made my appearance at the first Wednesday night ride of the year. While driving to work that morning with my bicycle loaded in my car, I realized that I left all my bicycle tools in the seatpost pack of my other bike. However, I still had a couple tubes with me and I also had my mini-pump. So, if I had a flat, I could always use my teeth to help pry the tire off of my rim. But, in order to save some possible wear and tear on one of my favorite food chewing items, I borrowed a spoon from our office kitchen as a potential makeshift tire lever and brought it with me to the ride. However, as a second realization, while driving to the ride from work, what I wasn't bringing with me were cycling gloves.

This was not the first time that I had forgotten my cycling gloves. On the first day of DALMAC in 2012, I threw my camping and clothes bags on the baggage truck about 5 minutes before discovering that both pairs of my cycling gloves were also heading to our destination via truck. So, I rode gloveless. Then there was that KalTour, when after a few miles, I looked down and discovered that in my haste to begin the ride by an artificial deadline of 8:00 A.M., I had put on only one glove. I suppose that this could have been my unconscious tribute to Michael Jackson a couple years before his death, so I suppose I could have been psychic, too. My solution to this problem was to switch the glove from one hand to the other at each SAG stop, wearing it inside out when "appropriate."

Before the start of the Wednesday night ride, another rider noticed that I was riding without gloves and offered to let me borrow a spare pair of gloves that he had with him. I turned him down, in order to teach myself a lesson about forgetfulness that I'm sure I'll forget. It was probably for the best, anyway, since in our unfortunately-as-fast-as-I-expected-it-to-be group, I had the honor of being the first person dropped (another accomplishment to list in my obituary), and by the time I got back to the KalHaven Trail parking lot, he was gone.

And, unfortunately, this particular form of forgetfulness/absentmindedness/stupidity has not been solely confined to my cycling endeavors. The week before the start of the KBC ride season, I sent a birthday card to my niece and a bill to my cable company. A few days later, I got an e-mail from my niece thanking me for the card, but noting that the check I had enclosed was not made out to her and was for more that the expected $24. (It was her 24th birthday, so this is going to get expensive by the time she turns 100.) A couple days later, I paid a visit to the cable company and was told that they received, as I expected, a check for $24. What I didn't expect, however, was that they cashed it, even though the check was made out to my niece. And now that I'm armed with this information, this presents all sorts of exciting possibilities when I pay future cable company bills. I'm debating whether to make their next monthly check out to "Lance Armstrong," "Adolph Hitler," or "Hey, How About Giving Me Free HBO." But, for the time being, I just paid the remainder of my bill and sent a new check to my niece.

And, getting back to my cycling endeavors, on a Saturday afternoon ride a week and a half after that Wednesday night ride, I was three-quarters of the way to Lawton, when I reached into one of the pockets of my cycling jersey to find that I had left my mini-pump at home. I did have two CO2 cartridges, so I least I could have fixed a flat, if need be, but it's the principle of the thing. I'd like to think that I'm actually capable of bringing something with me that I "always" bring. At least I'm still batting a thousand when it comes to remembering to wear cycling shorts.

So, this could be a long cycling season. Or a short one, since I may not remember it all. And, eventually, they can put in my obituary, "He accomplished something."

Rick Whaley, KBC Newsletter Editor

Some Upcoming Rides of Interest

Saturday, May 9. Trailblazer. Kalamazoo. 25, 35, 45, 70, and 100 miles. www.kalcounty.com/parks/krvt.

Wednesday through Sunday, September 2 - 6. 45th Annual Dick Allen Lansing to Mackinaw (DALMAC) Bicycle Tour. Four rides over 4 or 5 days, ranging from 290 to 511 miles. Registration has begun and all rides fill up quickly. www.DALMAC.org.

Classified Ads

2009 Greenspeed GT3 Series II Trike.

Less than 100 hours on this trike. Like new condition. Stored in a heated basement. Toe clips, integrated Vetta odometer, and several other upgrades. Pictures available at www.recumbentriders.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14356. Also included is a 2011 Kenetic trainer for this trike with the optional flywheel. $1500. NO SHIPPING. Contact Terry Horwath (616) 855-6211 or terry.horwath@live.com.

Shop Notes

Alfred E. Bike

320 East Michigan, Kalamazoo, (269) 349-9423

Billy's Bike Shop

63 East Battle Creek Street, Galesburg, (269) 665–5202

Breakaway Bicycles

185 Romence at Westnedge, Portage, (269) 324–5555,

Custer Cyclery

104 North Augusta, Augusta, (269) 731–3492

Gazelle Sports

214 South Kalamazoo Mall, Kalamazoo, (269) 342–5996,
Been thinking about running a marathon? We can help! Join Gazelle Sports Summer Safari Marathon Training Program, an 18 week adventure that begins in June. Check out gazellesports.com/wp/marathon-training-programs/ for more information.

Kzoo Swift

445 Forest St, Kalamazoo, (269) 929-8053.


611 W Michigan Avenue, Kalamazo, (269) 56–PEDAL
info@pedalbicycle.com and www.pedalbicycle.com

Team Active

22 W Michigan, Battle Creek, 1–800–841–9494

Village Cyclery

US 131 in Schoolcraft, 679–4242

Zoo City Cycle & Sports

4328 South Westnedge, Kalamazoo (269) 552–3000


Bicycling Safety Disclaimer

Important: Riding a bicycle is an inherently dangerous activity. There are risks of injury or death. You could ride over something and fall, or get hit by an automobile or strike or be struck by another bicyclist. There are many other dangers to bicycling as well.

While nothing can eliminate all risks associating with bicycle riding, to minimize the danger, make sure you and your bicycle are in good riding condition. Know the rules of the road and also of the group you're riding with, and ride in a manner consistent with the protocols of that group. Always wear a bike helmet, use bike lights if riding in the dawn, dusk or dark, and consider purchasing and riding with additional safety equipment such as reflectors and rear view mirrors.