Present: David Jones, Doug Kirk, John Idema, John Olbrot, Kathy Kirk, Marc Irwin, Mark Lemons, Meg Zapalowski, Michael Krischer, Michael Vandeveer, Mike Boersma, Pam Sotherland, Paul Selden, Paul Sotherland, Paul Wells, Renee Mitchell, Rick Whaley, Ryan Heidenfeld, Scott Baron, Scott Powers, Tyson Gilmore, Celine Keizer, Valerie Litznerski, and Zolton Cohen
Welcome and Introduction
The meeting was called to order by President Renee Mitchell at 7:00 P.M.
Committee Reports
Officer Reports: The KBC Executive Committee met in January to set goals for 2016.
Vice President John Olbrot discussed the use of PayPal for funds. He believes that the KBC might consider a different source, so that we don't pay as much money for the transactions. He would like to find something that can be used to swipe credit cards at events.
Secretary Valerie Litznerski discussed thank you letter for bicycling related billboards in Kalamazoo and she will coordinate with Team Clark Logic and the Southwest Michigan Mountain Bike Association (SWMMBA) to include other letters.
Award Committee Chair Paul Selden reported that the KBC Friend of Bicycling award ceremony was very formal and well received.
Insurance Coordinator Terry O'Connor noted that in the process of determining payment for premiums with regard to KBC events, rides, trail maintenance, etc., non-members are not covered.
Database Manager David Jones indicated that the number of active subscriptions is close to 450 and this has caused increases in insurance costs. He will start reporting on the number of members that are a part of the club in the Pedal Press.
Director of Road Safety Paul Selden noted that Kalamazoo bicycle planning from 2015 will now be implemented. There will be a bike lane on Burdick Road to connect to Portage Road, new trail segments will be started, and the Kalamazoo Valley River Trail (KRVT) will be completed in 2017. Also, on May 14, 2016, the Mayor's Ride will kick off Kalamazoo Bike Week. This event is organized by the city to show their commitment to cycling. The Ride of Silence will be May 18, 2016.
Grant Request for SMMBA / Markin Glen Trail / Maple Hill Trail
KBC Grant Committee Chair Celine Keizer noted that the Grant Committee reviewed a proposal for a $2500 donation to the Markin Glen Trail Project by the SWMMBA, which is the largest request that the club has received to date. This is being reviewed currently and the merits of the project are being considered.
Meg Zapalowski, Vice President of the SWMMBA, noted that the project received title sponsorship and that it is at the 60% level that will allow them to start building. The trail will connect directly to the KRVT, will be professionally built, and plans are to have events that will involve both of the trails, local bike shops, and businesses. There will be a small window of time to build the 6 mile mountain bike specific trail and the SWMMBA hopes that they will be able to start building the trail this year. There are individual sponsorship opportunities, as well. Winter trail use for skiing might not be practical due to elevation changes of the trail, but the SWMMBA hopes to have bike demonstrations and youth programs. They are also working with Open Roads, part of the Kalamazoo Foundation, and they will raise an endowment to fund the trail for 25 years of maintenance; after that, the park system will provide maintenance.
The Grant Committee recommended to the Executive Committee that the grant receive approval. The Executive Committee decided to review the club's budget and expenditures. Paul Selden stated that he supports "planned giving," since that was the purpose of accruing the funds in the bank account.
KBC Jersey Update
Extra jerseys have been purchased, to give to mayors of both Kalamazoo and Portage, and to be available to club members. Extra jerseys are available for sale on first come first serve basis. The jerseys are expected to arrive in late March.
Bike Camp 2016
The Bike Camp orientation meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 and there will be sessions on the following 4 Saturdays. Additional volunteers are being sought, as well as someone to become the Education Chair for the KBC.
2016 Goals
The Executive Committee goals, published in the February Pedal Press, include improving the club's perception and communication, enhancing KBC rides, increasing volunteerism, and updating and maintaining the KBC website. Club members are asked to please reach out to the KBC if you would like to help the KBC achieve any of these goals.
Immediate Volunteer Needs
There were discussions concerning the need for someone to volunteer for the following positions.
Apparel Manager - Serves as a single point of contact for club members to obtain club apparel (hats and jerseys).
Web Content Manager - Keeps the website up-to-date with happenings in the club.
Website Committee - Help revamp the website.
Ride leader Sanctioning
New 2016 ride leaders were sanctioned. They are Doug Jones, Doug Kirk, John Idema, John Olbrot, Kathy Kirk, Marc Irwin, Mark Lemons, Meg Zapalowski, Michael Vandeveer, Pam Sotherland, Paul Selden, Paul Sotherland, Paul Wells, Renee Mitchell, Ryan Heidenfeld, Scott Baron, Scott F Powers, Tyson Gilmore, and Zolton Cohen.
Team Clark Logic Volunteer Activities
Committee chairs can reach out to the race team by contacting Valerie Litznerski.
Sponsored riders that are a part of the team will be requested to assist with KBC volunteer needs.
Old Business / New Business
New business: Trial adult membership offers for individuals who purchase bikes were discussed. This had been done in the past and there was some discussion as to whether the KBC should do this again. Paul Wells noted that when he was the owner of Breakaway Bicycles, despite his best effort, these were not given to all customers. Many purchasers were not interested in the membership. He still thinks that it is a good way to boost members and recognition for the club. A lot of people have the perception that the bike club is the race team. The perception also extends to the bike shops; that they cater only to serious cyclists. There was general support for doing this again. It was suggested that when a bicycle is purchased, something is given, e.g., stapled to the receipt, that directs people to the KBC website and invites them to a ride or something that is inviting - an invitation to learn something new, be a part of the community, etc.
Doug Kirk motioned to adjourn the meeting, the motion was seconded, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Val Litznerski, KBC Secretary