Yes, folks, the club has a new jersey design. Giordana will be making a club fit jersey for us in men’s and women’s sizes from XXS – 5XL, and club members will be able to place and pay for their orders through Giordana’s online store. Ordering information and a link to the online store will be emailed to all KBC members right before the store opens. Ordering information will also be available in the members-only area of the KBC website.
Online store hours:
12:00pm April 19th to 12:00pm April 26th.
The store will be open for one week starting April 19th at noon. We’re doing our best to let members know about the jersey. Please spread the word!
Cost of the jersey is $62.10.
The jerseys will be delivered around June 4th – 9th. To save on shipping costs, jerseys will be delivered in bulk. With the weather warming up in June, we’ll be able to have our June club meeting outdoors which will be a perfect time for members to pick up their jerseys. There will also be other dates and times available for picking up your jersey if you can’t make it to the meeting.
Thanks to Clark Bennett for inspiring us to create a new jersey. We hope you like the new design by local graphic artist Carolyn Fink and look forward to seeing the new jersey out on the road!
To help select the correct size jersey, in addition to the sizing chart in the online store, Giordana has shared a file that has garment measurements for all sizes of men’s and women’s Vero Pro jerseys. Find a jersey that fits the way you like, lay it on a table and compare its measurements to the measurements in this file.
Members: To order a jersey, log in to your account on the KBC website (click here to log in to your account), then return to this page and click the link below (you won’t see the link until you login). The online store will be open from 12:00pm April 19th to 12:00pm April 26th. If you’d like to join KBC, click here.