Financial Support — Bicycling Grants
The Kalamazoo Bicycle Club periodically awards small grants to help fund bicycling-related projects in our community. If you would like to request a grant, please read Kalamazoo Bicycle Club Grant: Conditions and Instructions (below) and fill out the Application Form (also below).
- Conditions and Instructions
- Application Form
- Follow Up Report
- Grant Making Process (Internal Use – KBC log-in required to access this document, which will appear after log-in)
Friend of Bicycling Award
The Kalamazoo Bicycle Club (KBC) Friend of Bicycling (FoB) Award recognizes noteworthy endeavors by a local organization or individual during the preceding year that significantly advanced the interests of bicycling. Recipients of the FoB Award are selected annually at the December KBC meeting and announced shortly thereafter. A Friend of Bicycling Award plaque, similar to that shown below, is presented to the awardee(s).
Nominations for the KBC Friend of Bicycling Award are accepted from any KBC member. Examples of nominees might include a journalist, philanthropist, governmental unit, bike shop, or even another bicycling organization that has “significantly advanced the interests of bicycling” in the Kalamazoo region. KBC members are not eligible as individuals, but an organization to which a KBC member belongs may be eligible. Please complete the Nomination Form at the link below.
- Guidelines
- Nomination Form
- History of Friend of Bicycling Award (pdf file 375 kB)
Old Crank Award
Presented first at the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club’s 50 th Anniversary Celebration, and annually thereafter, the “Old Crank Award” recognizes service by club members to the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club over many years and in various capacities. This travelling award, inscribed with names of recipients, will be in the possession of each new recipient before being passed along to the next recipient designated on the award. The Kalamazoo Bicycle Club Grants and Awards Committee will have the responsibility of selecting award recipients annually.
Note: A plaque, engraved with the words “Kalamazoo Bicycle Club – Old Crank Award – For Enduring Service to KBC,” is mounted on the horizontal platform below the chainring. Names of awardees will be engraved on plaques mounted on the vertical surfaces of the base below the horizontal platform.
Old Crank Award recipients are as follows:
2022 – Doug Kirk, Kathy Kirk, and Mike Krischer
2023 – Zolton Cohen and Renee Mitchell